Getting Some Work Done

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Standing on the outside of the round pen, the girl watched as the gelding charged rapidly around the area. His neighs echoed through her farm now and disappeared into the approaching darkness as the sun sank slowly behind the mountains. A small smile rose on her face as she grabbed a rope and started to climb over the fence. It honestly felt good to be back around horses. The horse slid to a stop with his nostrils flaring and an untrusting look in his eyes as he stared at the daring girl. "Easy now." Aurora murmured as she made her way to the middle of the pen. Swinging the rope gently she angled her body and made him run. Every time he would slow down she would step towards him and send him back moving around the sand ring. Finally when she saw his head lower and his demeanor soften she stopped swinging it and turned her back to the horse. After he didn't approach in about seven minutes she sent him back out and ran him again. This time when she turned her back he approached slowly and stood about two foot away. Slowly Aurora turned around and smiled gently. "Good boy." Stepping forward caused him to flinch and back up a step. Still it was progress and Aurora decided that is was enough work for today. Exiting the pen she poured his food into a dish and slid it into the pen. After throwing in a flake of hay and filling his water she decided to go see what she still had in her old tack room and around the barn. Though it was on her property she hadn't been in it since the accident three years ago. Hesitancy filled her as soon as she set foot into the dark and dusty barn. Fumbling for the light switch she flipped them on and the light slowly flooded the old building. On each side the six old abandoned stalls stood filled with cobwebs and dust. At the end stood the entrance to the tack room and she moved forward, stopping when she got to the last stall. On the hook was an old dusty leather halter, brushing off the name plate she read it silently to herself and it filled her heart with sorrow.

'Defying Prince' it read in bold letters on the gleaming plate. Clutching it to her chest tears clouded her vision as she imagined that beautiful horse in his glory. He had been her pride and joy, and now he was gone and it was her fault. If only she hadn't urged him towards that last fence. Wiping her eyes she continued on her way to the tack room and pushed open the door flicking the switch on. It still smelled of leather and oil and comforted her. Moving something she hung the halter on a hook with the bridles and other halters. Her eyes scanned the room and looked at all her old stuff, saddles, blankets and other horse tack. It was all mostly pretty expensive but had just been left in this barn with no use for a year. Dusting off the old tack box before pushing it open she revealed all her old grooming supplies and wraps. Pictures from horse shows and trail rides hung on the wall and some were taped to the inside of the lid on the box.   They made her smile as she brushed her fingers over them and remembered different memories. There was a picture of her and Prince after their first big show. Another one of her and Ashley on their horses in the river. Suddenly another emotion filled the brunette girl, determination, and she closed the lid to grab a broom. Heading out to the aisle she started sweeping and pulling down all the cobwebs. She worked well into the night but the barn was near gleaming, like it was still in use, by the time she was done. Full of pride she made her way back to her house and crashed on her couch for the night, to tired to make it to her room.

(La, next morning!)

The sun streaming through the curtains made her eyes hurt as she opened them and pushed herself up. Yawning she flung out her arms to stretch and hit another person. "Ahh!" She yelled jumping back and looking up. It was Mark, her closest friend, closer than Ashley. "Jeez Mark! If I had a weapon you would have been in trouble. You can't sneak in like that!" She complained as she picked herself up off the floor. "Sorry Aurora, I just came by to see if you needed any help around the farm." The green eyed man responded helping her up. "Well, I was gonna work with that gelding I bought, but I could use some help with fixing up the old stalls in the barn." Grinning wildly the woman responded as she marched towards the kitchen. "You want a cup of coffee?" Mark nodded and replied with "I can help with the stalls, Yes please on the coffee." Once the coffee was made and drank, Aurora stepped upstairs to change into a plaid long sleeve shirt and a pair of comfortable dark jeans. Plodding back downstairs in her old cowboys boots she skipped the last step and landed with a thud. "Let's go Mark!" She called brightly as she swung open her back door and raced down to the ground. Jogging to the barn she waited impatiently for Mark to catch up. "It's not much work, I just need the stall door on this one fixed." She said pointing to the first stall, "and I need the board fixed were it has been kicked in."  Nodding Mark grabbed the tools that Aurora handed him "Alright, I will get to work." "Thanks Mark!" Aurora chirped and hugged him. As Aurora ambled back outside she pulled out her phone, she had been thinking for a while and if she was going to train this horse than she needed to get back into riding. To do that she would start with riding a calmer horse and rebuilding all her skills and muscles. Dialing some numbers she listened to the phone ring before someone picked up. "Hello, this is Kaitlyn at Whispering Oaks Equestrian." Kaitlyn said over the phone and Aurora gave a small smile. "Hey Kaitlyn, it's Aurora." "Oh my gosh! Hey, I haven't spoken to you in forever." The bright woman practically screamed into the phone. "I know, I called to ask if you have any open lesson times. I want to get back into riding." Aurora said calmly as she heard Kaitlyn shuffling around "Yeah I have plenty of open spaces, what time would you want?" The blonde asked over the phone as she moved some papers around. "Do you have any open around 1 or 2?" Aurora asked as she shifted some things around gathering the horses food. "Yeah, do you want to come in today?" She asked and Aurora responded with "Yes, if that is possible." "Alright you are in the book! I can't wait to see you this evening. I've gotta go bye!" and with that the phone beeped as the call ended. Walking over to the gelding's round pen Aurora dropped the flake of hay in and watched as the horse looked at her warily before trotting over to nibble at the hay. Heading back to the barn she saw Mark finishing up and grinned "Thanks so much Mark! I have a riding lesson this evening and you have saved me so much time." Mark patted her on the head "So you really are getting back into riding?" He asked with a genuine interest. "Yeah, last night I realized that I should stop moping about and continue what I love so much, I should do it to carry on Prince's memory." "Well I am very proud of you!" Mark said hugging her. "Can I watch your lesson today?" He asked using his puppy dog eyes. "Of course you can!" Aurora laughed.

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