Chapter Thirteen: I Love Lurantis

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The trial was just as Kiawe described it, the Marowak dance and Miracle has to spot the difference.

"See, Tula," Tiko says nudging the sulking Pikachu, "Sleep is important if you want to do good on your trials."

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"What's her problem?" I ask.

Tiko shakes his head, "She's mad that I won't admit my love to her."

"You have to!" Tula shakes him, tears in her eyes, "Larry is never wrong! He's always right! And if Larry's wrong, then, then, then I'll die! Just say you love me!"

She falls dramatically to the ground, still holding Tiko's leg.

Tiko sighs and shakes her off, "You need to stop listening to that Pikachu. He's turning your mind to mush."

Tula continues to cry.
Tula continues to cry.
I can feel her pain like it were my own.
Y'know, if Tula thinks Larry is so amazing, why doesn't she just marry him?
Tula continues to cry. 

"Tula, shush!" I say loudly. "Rudy can't hear his opponent over all your crying."

I was lying.
Rudy is skilled in the art of drowning out background conversations.
I wish I could do that.
Maybe then I wouldn't have to listen to Tiko and Tula bicker like a married couple.
Rudy is easily able to take out the Marowak, hiker and...what is that?
"The Totem Pokémon, Salazzle!" Kiawe announces.

Nightshade's eyes light up when the Salazzle appears, "That's my big sister!" She waves, "Hey, Violet! I found a Trainer! Are you proud of me?"

Violet nods and smiles gently. She pats Nightshade on the head and looks at Miracle and Rudy.
The strange orange aura surrounds her and she calls the battle start.

Violet is very fast, too fast.
She is able to easily dodge every one of Rudy's attacks.
Tula sighs and hides behind Tiko, "Poor Rudy. He can't even hit her."

Poor Rudy?
Tiko, you disgust me!
I'm sure if Rudy just...uhh, kicks blindly he'll hit her sometime!

Nightshade smiles proudly, "That's Violet for ya!"

"Who's team are you even on?" Tiko asks.

"Both!" She says ecstatically and turns back to the battle.

While a Salandit isn't fast enough to dodge a Bulldoze, Violet is.
So, it's up to me to finish the battle, in style, of course.
Hydro Vortex gets the job done quite nicely.

Violet is down in just one hit.

Nightshade frowns, "Aww..."

Kiawe congratulates us and rewards Miracle with the Firium z and a new ride Pokémon, Charizard.

Nightshade flinches when she looks at him.

"Uhh, are you alright?" I ask as we head down the volcano.

She nods, "Y-yeah! I just knew a Charizard that looked like that one. It's-it's nothing."
She quickly runs away before I can ask her anymore questions.
Now, it's off to Lush Jungle for the final trial.
But first, we have to trudge through Route eight.

We are stopped, however, by a man wearing copious amounts of technology.

"Hello there. My name is Colress."

"Colress? Like the Team Plasma Colress?"

Colress nods and Miracle smiles, "Its been, like," she counts on her fingers, "however long it's been!"

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