chapter seven

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I woke up in a bed instead of the couch, and Renesmee sleeping beside me. Her curls were somehow still perfect, spread across the pillow. I was curious as to what my hair looked like, but I couldn't look without disturbing the bed.

I then realized I was sleeping in the same bed as Renesmee Cullen. My heart sped automatically in response, an effect that came with being around her. She was even beautiful when she slept. I was too far in this infatuation to be saved.

As if on alarm, she awoke with a yawn. To keep her from catching me watching her, I turned to my back, looking at the ceiling above me. I started remembering the conversation from before I fell asleep.

What was it about? I didn't hear her talk any, but I could tell there was a conversation between her, Edward, and Bella. Also, Bella had said she loved me too. That – it had to be – was a dream. Was it? I wasn't sure. Maybe all of this was a dream.

"Morning," Renesmee's voice filled my ears. I turned my head to see her still lying down, but facing towards me with a bright smile. I felt as if I was floating in the clouds, lying down with a beautiful angel.

"Why am I not on the couch," I asked, earning her bell like giggle.

"I got d-Edward to carry you when I noticed you fell asleep," she explained, sitting up. She stretched out, wearing a different shirt than she was when I fell asleep. I sat up too, a yawn coursing through my body. I picked up my glasses, which I luckily found on the stand next to the bed. I was lucky I hadn't crushed them when I fell asleep on the couch. I found myself doing that too often.

"My mouth feels so gross, where's the closest bathroom?" I asked, while she pointed to a room connected to the small room we sat in. I knew there was one downstairs, as I had used it yesterday. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste from my bag and began brushing my teeth in the bathroom. I had closed the door upon entering, mostly so I could also pee.

Looking into the mirror I silently groaned at the state of my hair. It was in such disarray I wondered if it had its own tornado during the night. I wouldn't have doubted the possibility. Putting it into a ponytail with one of the two hair ties I always kept on my wrist, I exited the bathroom.

"There's food downstairs if you want any," Renesmee said as she stood up from the bed. She was wearing pajama bottoms and still managed to look like a supermodel. How was she real? Surely this was proof to a dream.

"I'm starving, lets go," I picked up my phone automatically from the stand and followed her down the steps. As I entered the kitchen, though, there were already a few others in there. I had never seen any of them eat before, and I wondered idly why they were there. Though, I didn't openly question as Renesmee handed me a packet of poptarts.

We sat down at the counter, Edward and Bella on the opposite end. They both seemed to be staring off, still and silent. I thought it weird, but I wasn't one to judge.

I opened the packet and tore off a piece of the food. The flavor was cherry, and I silently wished it were strawberry. I looked over, noticing Renesmee holding the unopened packet with a look of disgust on her face.

"You have something against poptarts?" I asked with a laugh, earning a small smile and a shrug. Edward and Bella moved, but only slightly.

"Well, I don't," I laughed, taking a bite out of it. I chewed slowly as she continued to look down.

"You alright?" I asked, slightly worried. I had known Renesmee didn't like to talk much, but this seemed out of character.

"Yeah," she shook her head, opening up the food. "I just," she sighed, trying to say something. Out of habit, my heart raced with anxiety and possibilities.

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