Chapter Two-

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Chapter Two-

    She lunges at me. Her weight transferring onto my weak body. I scream from the scarred wound and I use all my might to rip the I.V. out of my arm and instead of being stabbed in my stomach I block it with my arm. I shout from the blood rushing out my wound. Crimson highlights my hospital gown. I cluster for a scalpel laying on the supply station table nearby and slice at her, awaking from my bed.

    “JUST DIE ALREADY!” She screams. Her black hair falling out of her neatly done bun and her older features looking more youthful due to the sunlight. How much more stupid can she get. I’m an experienced killer. Maybe a little rusty from my sleep, but I won’t die to fu-fill somebody else’s mission. Is she fucking me? I collapse from weakness. Being in a coma for two years definitely has it’s prices. I can’t move. I feel paralyzed. I have to fight on the ground now. I swipe my legs and trip her. She yelps as her head bangs into the tile flooring and she looks like she could pass out any moment now. My arms flail around, and I’m able to slice her in the throat. But she blocks it by gripping onto my hand, she’s swinging from side to side, disoriented no doubt. Her grip on me loosens and she knocks out cold. A smile grows onto my face and I flip her over with my arms and slit her throat.

    “Should’ve just poisoned my damn food, dumb- mmm…don‘t bother.. She‘s dead anyways.” I just lay there. Sprawled out against the tile floor. When I’m finally able to wiggle my toes again I get up and undress her. Shocking how neat her nurses gown still is. I dress out of my hospital gown, I’m naked but I don’t care at this point. I change into her nurse gown and lay my hospital garmet over her like a blanket. No use wasting time on her stupid self. I look in the mirror, I’m sweaty and a mess. So I just put up my hair and climb out the window. Luckily I’m in one of the lower floors of the hospital. I leap down onto the streets of Japan. I feel a slight shake on the shoulders. But when I turn around nobody is there. The scalpel is still bloody in my hands and I decide to shove it into the nurses pocket, “So familiar, Yet so.. Unfamiliar.” I’m confusing myself. I feel like somebody is watching me. And I smell the coy fish and salty water from the ocean surrounding the island of Japan next to me. Then I see her from a distance. She leaps down off the hospital roof. My feet start moving towards the hospital but I’m unarmed. I feel the shake on my shoulders again, I look behind me. She stands, tall and slim, hair dyed blonde, highlighted in spunky and chunk black highlights, she smiles at me and stares at me straight into my eyes.

    “I am so happy to see you. It’s been a long time friend. I kept coming everyday to check on you. But you took to long so yeah…” Her light airy voice says, her full lips plant a small kiss on my cheek and she hugs me tightly. I stand in shock… I thought she was dead…

    “Nice to see you too Mitsuko.” Is all I can manage.

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