Chapter Three-

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Chapter Three-

Mitsuko never been one to talk much. Usually reserved. But I guess after two years she really changed. Her hair. Which used to be an emerald color, that caressed the small of her back in choppy layers, is now black and bathed in chunks with bleach. Her eyes, usually set into a scowl, now has a more innocent, and youthful look. Even if it’s patted down with black eye shadow. She’s always seemed butch to me. In the most feminine way though. Almost like how a zebra is buff and toned, But has those beautiful white and black patterns of stripes to cover it up. I felt like I was left at shore, waves crashing over me, unable to drown. It was hard for me to realize she kept coming to visit. And she’s still here. When I thought that two years ago, she was killed on her escape root by those angry gang members who cornered us.

    “It’s been so long.” She smiles. “Gina, Juno, and C.P. have been waiting to see you! They’ve been longing for your return. And Gina already has a mission for you planned out, Karen Koromiko! Do you know how embarrassing that would be to learn that YOU could die to KAREN KOROMIKO!?”

    “Yeah… that must be pretty embarrassing. Well, Mitsuko. Noriko is st-”

    “I KNOW SILLY! THAT’S WHY I NEED TO GET YOU TO MY PLACE AND WASH YOU UP, TAKE YOU TO GINA  AND DISCUSS IT WITH HER, JUNO, AND C.P.!” Juno and C.P. are the other main dogs of the gang along with Mitsuko and I. Juno is only fifteen currently but started assassinating since she was twelve. C.P. is actually Callen Parker. Nice guy, friend of mine. But very full of himself and a huge peacock. You can always find him looking at himself in a mirror, fixing his black sleek hair.


    I’m taken to Mitsuko’s place, a damp apartment building with beer bottles scattered onto the cement floor. When you first walk into the threshold of the room it reeks of alcohol and blood. She turns on a dim light and shoots a ping pong ball into a cup of beer. I remember it as beer pong. She hit’s the rim of the cup and the ball plops inside.

    “I have to have a reason to drink, my doctor told me. So I realized that playing a drinking game with myself is plenty of a reason to drink some Coors Light.” She chuckles and chugs the cup, letting out a sigh of pleasure once swallowed. She leads me to her bedroom, her bed unmade and it smells like perfume, cigarettes, and sweaty teenager. Even though Mitsuko must be at least twenty-five at this point. She gives me a change of clothes and leads me to the bathroom, a small room that even I have to get comfortable in before she’s able to walk in. Both of us are twigs though. She opens the shower curtain and pulls up her hair.

    “So.. Kind of low on hot water. So take it easy, ya’ hear. You smell like sweat and blood. Wash up. Get out of that gross looking nurses gown, it’s not October and please do the world a favor and brush your teeth.” She hands me a pink toothbrush. She’s always been high on hygiene, with other people actually. But never for herself. She does smell nice and all of that, but her insides are flooded with liquor and nicotine. She flicks her hair back and shuts the door. I turn on the water and just sit inside the tub, hugging my knees close to my chest. A few minutes later the cold water starts running,

    “Shit.” I turn it off quickly after I wash my hair and body. Then I get changed into the clothes supplied for me. A silky white shirt and light denim jeans. I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment. Brown eyes, full lips, small, sharp nose. I braid my hair and make it into a bun, securing it with the hair- tie given to me. The clothes are a little baggy on me but I ignore it and, “Does the world a favor” and brushes my plaque kingdom teeth. After that my breath smells like mint. Thank the lord. Mitsuko calls me over and tells me Gina wants me there by five o’ clock sharp in the afternoon. It’s one forty-two.

    “Damn it why can’t I just get a break.” I sigh.

A smile crosses Mitsuko’s face.

    “Right..” I say, knowing what she means.

She pats my back, “I think you had enough time off already my friend.”

She brushes her hair and french braids it. Mitsuko’s past was plenty rough too. Loneliness was her best friend in most of her life. I’ve known her almost my entire life but yet I barely know anything about the girl, other than her father used to rape her twice a week at the least. Then she was always called fat. Let’s just say she took the easy way to lose weight and with her alcoholism, it’s not that much of a help to her liver either, or her weight in itself.

    “So, I was wondering Mae, If you would like to assist me on my mission?” She asks, concentrating deeply on her mascara application.

    “Who?” I reply.

She smiles, “Samuel San.”

    “The pimp?” I ask.


    “He’s easy enough to beat. I just woke up from hibernation. I seriously do need a break.”

    “If you need a break so bad why don’t you just go and ask Gina?”

    “Yeah, the only break I’ll be getting is every bone in my body if I ask her that.” I laugh.


I sigh, “True..”

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