Chapter Five-

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Chapter Five-

    “Juno will assist you.” Gina smirks. “Mitsuko can come along too if she wants. I’ll kill Samuel San myself.”

    “You sure are being generous Gina..” Mitsuko says. “You would really kill Samuel yourself?”

Gina gives an irritated smirk but hides it with her bitter sweet voice, “Of course Mitsuko. And I know Noriko is a gang leader and extremely tough, so I’m going to assist you with supplies and weaponry, That just came in from E-BAY!” She jokes, “No just kidding, it’s professional and new and I trust you guys with it. So don’t break any of it.”

    “Thanks.” Juno says for all three of us.

Gina enters her kitchen and the crew of us three follow her, The floor is an aquarium, tropical fish swim under the plexiglas. I spot one striking fish, neon pink and bathed in turquoise spots. Gina opens a marble cabinet and takes out a small bottle of poison.

    “Just in case, if you’re ever in a close up situation or under cover. You decide what to do.” Gina says, handing me the poison. I shakily put it in my pocket. Gina smiles slightly and hugs me, “Two months.” She reminds. “I’ll be keeping track, don’t worry.”

    “Oh that gave me so much more confidence Gina.” I roll my eyes in the hug but I laugh slightly to disguise my fury. Juno chuckles but keeps her serious expression she always has on. A natural bad ass.


    Mitsuko, Juno, and I all leave the mansion. Armed to the teeth. But only in the three brief cases is where our weapons rest.

    “I’m just wondering where Noriko has to be..” I ask.

Mitsuko gets into the black Cadillac provided for us, “I think we’re going to have to get some average Poison Arrow gang member disguises first.” Of course, as usual though, Mitsuko is right. Maybe it will be so much easier if we just are able to sneak up on Noriko Jiang and take her out with the poison. Of course I would want to keep young Juno, as strong as she is, away from the danger as much as possible. But at the same time. I want more than just revenge. I want Noriko Jiang to be tortured and to burn in the fiery pits of hell for eternity for what she did to my family.

    “Mae I know what you’re thinking, but wouldn’t it be easier if we just kill her fast and quick.. Let’s not risk your life for more torture on her part. It could waste your time and Gina could kill you even if you killed her. If you’re late, you’re dead.” Juno says.

    “You’re right..” I agree finally. But I’m lying.

I open the passenger door and sit in there. Even if Juno doesn’t look to pleased sitting in the back, she just plays with her nun chucks.

    “And we may want to dye our hair… They usually have all one color, and it’s usually a natural one.” Mitsuko says to Juno. Juno sucks on a piece of her green hair, “Whoa… can’t we just get wigs?”

    “No, too much of a risk Juno, you know that.” Mitsuko replies, seeming oddly sober.

    “We can always temporarily dye it Mitsuko.” I say, “Maybe with some of that semi-permanent dye, but Juno, you’re going to have to either wash all the green out, or strip the color and bleach it.” I say. She seems a little more at ease with my idea, “Okay..”

    “I never said bye to C.P.” I say.

Mitsuko grins, “Crush much?”

    “He’s a nice looking guy, but he’s too cocky for me.” I punch Mitsuko’s arm gently.


    Once we get our black clothes, and acidic green bandanas, we cut two holes for our eyes, Like the other members in that gang. And check into a motel near Noriko’s gang house. We can see them through our windows, acidic green bandanas. Black jumpsuits, and of all ages and looks to them. I see a little boy, can’t be older than eleven, get into a car with two elder females and one teenage male. Doesn’t seem like that mission they’re occupying is that hard. Juno stares out the window, with binoculars.

    “Be careful Ju-” Mitsuko says. But get’s cut off.

    “I know!” Juno replies. Shooing her away with a wave of her hand.

    “I need to do your hair you two..” I say. Sitting both down in a small chair. The paint on the walls is peeling and it smells like old people in here. The beds are made neatly with a fold in the covers on the left side of each one. Topped with an amount of dull blue pillows. Two mint- chocolates await on our pillows and I suck on one to occupy myself. I start by bleaching Juno’s hair. It takes a while for me to read the instructions. But I’m able to mix the developer with the powder and all that stuff and plop it onto her hair. Then I bleach Mitsuko’s to make the color even from the chunky highlights and the black. Then after that I dye Juno’s hair the most crazy we could find in natural colors. A bright eye popping red that she insisted on having or wouldn’t do her hair at all. And Mitsuko just keeps her hair the honey blonde color. Then I trim off Juno’s dead ends and straighten it for her. Then Mitsuko wants me to chop her hair into a pixie cut so I do that for her and what’s done is done. She likes it. I’m happy with my salon skills. Bing, bang, boom. Hair = Check.

     “Thank you Mae!” Mitsuko exclaims.

    “No problem…” I reply shyly. Then I watch as she crosses over to her clothes that we bought for the mission. She wiggles a hand in her new pixie cut and starts taking out her clothes from the bag. By the next five minutes, Juno sees what’s going on and she decides to do the same.

    “What are you guys doing…?” I ask. They ignore me and start getting undressed. Mitsuko’s  black lacey bra makes me cringe in a weird way… really Mitsuko. Then Juno starts to put on her gang uniform for the mission.

    “There’s no time to waste. We’re starting this mission now.” Mitsuko says.

    “But-” I studder.

She repeats herself, “Now.”

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