Chapter Four-

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Chapter Four-

    Mitsuko get’s into the drivers side. A huge glass bottle of straight-up vodka is by her feet.

    “I don’t think you should have that there Mitsuko.” I say, pinching my eyebrows together.

She smiles, “Don’t worry, my god have you always been this cautious of my drinking habit.”

    “So you know you have a drinking habit, but you don’t want to get help..?” I want to say, but I reply with, “Yeah.”

    “Well don’t worry mother.” She steps onto the gas of her black Lamborghini. It’s funny how she’s so rich from all her gang banging, but never but the money to good use. My back gets pushed back against the seat and she cranks the music up to full blast. I grit my teeth, “Mit.. Suko! YOU’RE GOING TO KILL US BOTH!” I scream over the music, which must have been as loud as a whisper over the volume. She cruises down the road, Fist pumping to the new K-Pop song on the radio and bobbing her head, then she starts taking the sips of the Vodka.


Oh great, Takako… I was assigned the mission of Shinji Asabi. Yet her nose pecked through my business and she killed him, herself. And got MY money.

    “IT’S FINE!” I yell back.

    She stops the music due to a police officer and pulls her car over, she rolls her eyes, “I got this…” And rolls down her window slowly. Putting on a fake smile that only I could tell was fake.

    “Is there a problem officer?” She smiles.

He bites his lip, “Only that you were going one twenty-five. I’m afraid I have to give you a ticket.”

    “Not today you won’t.” She slams his head in with the glass bottle laughing, and watches him fall to the ground dead, “Let’s continue our trip please.” She rolls her window back up and heads straight to Gina’s.


    When we arrive Gina opens the door and comforts me in a warm embrace. Motherly still.

    “Oh Mae. I’m so glad to see you honey.” She smiles. Her hair is dyed a spunky purple and is put up in a ponytail, her aged face is starting to get sun-spots and her blue colored contacts catches the rays of the sun, giving her the eyes of a porcelain doll.

    “Glad to see you too Mom.” I smile.

She wraps her arm around my should and walks me into her mansion. Her six- inch heels clack against the black and white checkered tile and in the huge living room, sitting on a black leather couch, C.P. is looking at himself in a hand held mirror, and Juno is playing with her nun chucks, twirling a strand of sharply cut to her belly button, forest-green, luxurious hair. A smirk crosses her thin lips, “Hey Mae.”

    “Hi Juno, uh… great to see you.” It’s sad to see her so young in this industry. As beautiful as she is, she could be a model if she wanted. But she chose this. And unfortunately for anybody who chooses this life, there isn’t any way of getting out of it… except death.

Maybe I should’ve died in that coma. Maybe it’s better than being in the industry of crime and surrender. Maybe it’s better dying then playing hide-and-seek day by day. Something Mitsuko isn’t worried about. And Juno may be just a little immature to hide her tracks. C.P. finally looks up from his mirror and hugs me,

    “Hey Mae. God I’m sorry I look a wreck.” C.P. says, even though his hair looks perfect and his teeth flash a blinding white.

    “You look perfect.” I’m able to come up with a shy smile.

He laughs, “I know I just wanted the compliment.”

    “Well then.” I chuckle.

 His long, slim arms finally let me go.

    “I have some rice and egg drop soup in the fridge if you’re hungry.” Gina says.

    “I’m fine. A devil nurse already fed me dumplings and rice herself.”

    Takako walks into the room, Great.

    “Hey Mae!” She smiles.

    “Hi…” I can actually feel the awkwardness that fills the room, and Gina can too and sit’s me down in a leather chair separate to the couch. “So let’s welcome Mae back… Mercury and Finn are already out on their mission as is Cirrus and Marilyn.” She smiles, “So when they come back we will order a cake or something and decorate it with pink frosting!” They always joke with me about the color pink, because I’m said to be the most girlish in the group. Obviously not anymore though… “Anyways…! I have to have you get rid of Karen, Mae. She killed Fumiyo.”

    “Fumiyo..?” I ask. Dang she was tough to beat.

    “Yeah, hard to believe.” Gina says.

I pinch my eyebrows together, trying to pick up my words correctly, “But shouldn’t I finish off Noriko first, maybe Juno or C.P. can go after Karen?”

    “I suppose…. Mae… kill Noriko Jiang. For real this time. If you fail. You’re dead. If she doesn’t kill you first. I’ll be the one to do so… you have two months.” Gina’s icy cold stare meets my eyes. And fear floods my body.

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