Chapter 47

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After her usual early dismissal, Yeojin decided to stop by the hospital. She wanted to take care of her mom, but both her mom and mother-in-law didn't let her stay long and told her to go home and do her final paper instead. With reluctance, she obeyed.

Massaging her strain shoulders from hours of perching in front of the laptop, she groaned and decided to take a break. She stood up and stretched her body. After getting some snacks for both herself and Jinho who just came back from school, she continued working on her final paper.

Hours later, Mr. Ahn came up to tell her that Jongin was waiting downstairs. She was tired from doing the final paper, and honestly, she didn't look forward to having a dance lesson. But maybe Jongin could help drive away her tiredness with his weird talk like usual. Though dancing wasn't her forte, spending time with Jongin never bothered her.

"Hey, muck! Let's-" Yeojin came to a halt when she entered the dance studio and found no Jongin.

Instead, Sehun was standing there by the window.

Upon her entrance, he turned and walked toward her but stopped at a distance.

"Sehun?" Her voice came above a whisper and she blinked several times. "Where's Jongin?"

Sehun scratched his brow and cleared his throat. "I asked him for a favor. He's with Lin at the back garden, I think."

"Oh." She cleared her throat. "I told Lin to give you your jacket. Did you get it already?"

"Yeah, she gave it to me earlier. Yeojin, I need to talk with you-"

"I'm busy with the final paper," Yeojin quickly cut him off and pulled on a smile. "I'll go back to my room. Please tell Jongin to call me if he's done talking with Lin." She turned for the door, feeling her heart going wild with confusing emotions again.

Sehun didn't want to lose his chance. With long steps, he approached her, grabbed her arm, and turned her around. Yeojin's eyes rounded in surprise when she found herself in his embrace.

"I miss you," he spoke in a low voice that he sounded broken. "I miss you, Yeojin. Every day. I've been afraid to talk to you, but I always want to see you. That's why I always come here. I miss you."

Yeojin was at loss for words. She thought he had move on from her.

"I believe you," he spoke again. "I believe that Kris is not your husband." Her breath hitched at his words. "But I..." He heaved a breath. "I... don't want to lose you. Yeojin, I want you. And don't lie, I know you feel the same way too."

Her mind searched for the right words to reply, yet she couldn't find them, much less her voice. She suddenly had the urge to run away, but she felt weak. It almost felt like she was going to fall deeper into his warmth.

This was not right. This wasn't supposed to happen, she thought.

"Let's date for real," he firmly told her while tightening his arms around her. "Be my girlfriend, Jin."

Taking a deep breath, Yeojin wriggled herself free from his hug and pushed him at an arm's length. She held onto his upper arms and stared up at him. She couldn't believe she would have to break another heart in one day.

"Sehun." She sighed. "I can't. We can't."

"Why? Jin, look at me and tell me you never feel anything for me."

"It's... it's not-" She looked away and bit her tongue before staring back at him with a frown. "Sehun, do you even realize that you're using Lin?"

"What?" His brows met closer in the middle.

"You said you've been coming here for me." Yeojin closed her eyes. "Lin likes you, idiot!"

Ice: Thaw the Frozen Heart [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now