Chapter 9 - No, You're A Gorgeous French Fry

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Author's Note:

*sticks a note on your screen*

My dearest friends,

           I would like to extend my deepest and most heartfelt apology for not updating sooner. Please do not hurt me. Instead, go after the job and the studies that take so much of my time. Also, someone should develop a vaccine at all kinds of illnesses. Maybe even find the fountain of youth or immortality or whatever. Yeah. So I can stop getting so darn sick. Yeah.

-Monique xo

*end of note*


          But really, I am sorry.

           Now, onto more important shizz, Megan's past will slowly be unveiled as evidenced by the previous chapter. I can't rush it due to the nature of her character so be patient!  And have fun reading. :) x


Chapter 9 – No, You're A Gorgeous French Fry


           "The true genius shudders at incompleteness – and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be."

           -Edgar Allan Poe


           It has been years since that incident. I haven't even thought about it that much anymore. Though constant reminders come to me in the form of nightmares, I've always managed to push them to the back of my mind when I get up and get on with my day. And the issues I have because of it never really bothered me, anyway. I mean, look at me functioning in the society like a normal rebellious

           Sure, my – uh, issues, if you want to call them that, have actually stressed out my mum for some time. I mean, what kind of mother wouldn't be stressed over a teenager with issues too long to list. But Angelica and Kylie saw it as weird perks, instead. Me? I just think I'm awesome like that.

           That was sarcasm.

           Sometimes, it sucks when I have to mask how I often feel in a thick layer of sarcasm. But what was I supposed to do, anyway? And don't you dare tell me to talk about it. Talking about it doesn't always help. People claim to understand, constantly letting you know that they would listen and understand. But in reality, they just listen, because in all honesty, that's all they can actually do. They say they know how we feel. But do they, really? Why? Have they tried it? Have they gone through it? That's a big motherfucking no.

           Which is why I was pissed that I was given detention.

           Yes. For the second time in my life, I was given the chance to socialize with the school's most notorious badasses in detention.

           The good news is I can now consider myself a badass. Not that I was not already one, though.

           The bad news is that unfortunately, I have a feeling that in this school, this won't be the last detention that I'll be getting. What's even worse than this is that I was stuck in detention with people who caused this entire scene, and who talk too much, not to each other, but to me.

           So now, I'm in a very, very bad mood; a mood made worse by the fact that I was stuck in between Caleb and Trevor, with Devon right behind me and Candace somewhere at Devon's right. They just had to surround me. Yes, we were all given detention. The teacher who had awesome timing, some guy with a scruffy beard, just passed by earlier, looked at my bloody knuckles and Caleb's bloody face and said, "Detention to you, you, you, you and you..." as he pointed to Caleb, Trevor, Devon, Candace, and I. Lee was spared because she was just oh-so-responsible and perfect.

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