Chapter 12 : Little Heaven

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I love you so much, so much that words cannot describe. Juan pulled me in hug; it was the warmest hug I had ever felt from last few years. I felt so safe and mind at peace like I was lying on beach enjoying beautiful sun set. Light pouring through windows removing the darkness once it held like in my own life, it is so easy to relate with your surroundings, the bedroom now didn't felt a empty room but lively. I wanted my life to stop in this minute, in this second itself, although there is possibility of much better things happening in next minute yet it scares me. So much has happened in my life that every change frightens me, those warms arms of My Juan and his confession could be just a dream even though I hardly had such beautiful dreams but if this is dream then it would be the worst nightmare I ever had. My heart shattering into million of pieces with thought of all this being not reality but dream. My breath itched in my throat as gasped for air. Juan pulled away, concern clouding his handsome face when he asked, "What happened, Lat?" My heart skipped beat hearing him call me with name he used to call when we were together. I smiled while tear slipped from corner of my eye. "Hey, Hey, shh.. Lati...Why are you crying?"

"N-Nothing, It... it just feels um.. so good to be true." I let out my feeling in front, there was nothing I wanted to hide from him, I can't bear if he gets upset with me not even for second also. "It's all real Lat, I am with you, we are together, I am so sorry Lat for judging you, I always used to think about you and wait for you to come and meet me when I was jail but you never came and It confirmed my doubts that you were using me and it was all planning, I was so wrong but still this is bothering me that why, why you never showed up?" He asked cupping my face and wiping away the tears that had started flowing freely now, taking his hands away and wiping my tears with my index fingers, I hide myself in his chest clutching tightly, "I-I couldn't gather," I paused hiccupping in between while Juan rubbed my back with light hands, "gather courage to face you, I was guilty and culprit, I was not- not ready, I mean I was afraid to see you, seeing that betrayal look in your eyes  when they took you away, I- I am really sorry, you know how I was I couldn't do anything, you understand that right? That I am, I-I didn't wanted that to happen not to you at least but I was so frightened after his death that I couldn't speak anything and," my body was trembling in fear by now that I might loose him again, "and you get it right?" I rambled trying to explain myself without making proper sense to it. I just wanted him to understand me, love me and never leave me. This time it wouldn't be possible for me to live if something went haywire.

Juan patted my back pulling me away from his touch so we could be face to face however close enough where his warmth had engulfed my body, "Yes, Latisha I get it." He said it atmost sincerity and kissed my forehead in reassurance. It immediately relaxed my body. "Don't ever leave me Juan, I might die." His hold tightened on my waist his skin digging into my skin as his soft face turned into dangerous scowl and his chest grumbled as he said in loud voice, "Don't you ever say that."

He roughly picked me up in bridal style and threw me on bed whilst hovering himself over me, "You belong to me now Latisha, dare you harm yourself and you will find the bastard Juan coming back to punish in ways that you could never think off." Juan said in thick angry voice that made his jaw muscle twitch in rather sexy way. Blood rose to my cheeks thinking of ways he might choose to punish me. Juan had never done such things to me, he always had been gentle and loving to me and I felt my insides getting excited to find what he might do to me. I instantly felt craving for his touch that has barely left my body. Juan's angry face turned into amusement when he saw me looking fidgeting, while hiding my blush that has made its way on my cheeks.

I got startled when he suddenly pulled my knees to the edge of bed and placed them either side of his, "Now, Now where were we before coming upstairs?" he smirked which made my stomach churn with desire, "Juan" I breathed out his name when he gripped hem of my sundress and pulled it upwards. Luckily, I was wearing nice black pair of underwear which seemed to please him. His eyes darkened with lust as they roamed over my body, I felt myself melting under his intense gaze. Crossing his hands in front, he removed his night blue t-shirt over his head, revealing his toned muscled body. He sure was hot back then but now his beauty has reached up to next level, shiver ran down my spine reaching up to core gathering wetness in my lace panty. Juan's smirk grew more when he saw me ogling at his all build chest. "Someone's already too wet for me," I heard him say after his hands had found its way to my core rubbing his thumb over my panty teasingly slow. "Its been so long that I have tasted you." Breath caught in my lungs thinking about what was coming up next, my breathing came out more as panting. Juan ripped apart my underwear, it excited me more because he was never been rough with me before but now, that was revenge however today it was love and I trusted him with everything. Warm breath fanned on my skin letting tingles spread all over my body, I clutched his shoulder when I sensed his soft tongue inside me, he thrusted it in speed adding one more digit along and squeezed my butt in process. If not for Juan holding me, I'd have been on floor right now moaning uncontrollably.

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