Chapter 20

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How in the world were you be able to save me when you are only a voice?

Well, I live inside of you and I'm the being who takes over your body when you go in 'rage' mode...that is me.

Thats you?

Yes, that is what I just said.

So, why can't I tell you to come out now?

Well, because I don't want to come out and you are handing yourself pretty well.

Really? It doesn't look like the to me at all.

As I said you are handling yourself pretty well and no one is about to kill you, my host, and so, why should I have to do anything for you?

So, if I die then you die too?

That is correct.

So, if I die in this place it would be all your fault?

Yes, because I didn't help....wait no you aren't going to die!

And who's to tell me that I'm not going to die?

Umm... He won't be able to kill you because the boss told him not to.

Does it look like he will stop to not kill me?

Yeah you're right he probably won't stop because of the rage mode that he looks like he is in.

So...can you help me?

Alright but, just this once I will only save you this time because you only just found about me and you are weak.

Me weak?!?

Yes, you are weak the only reason you are able to fight is because of me. The only reason why you aren't in the hospital wing right now.

Also it is your fault that I'm in this situation right now because you are taking way too long to choose while I'm getting beat up trying to talk to you. I've been beaten up by this person.

Ok, ok I'll help just in one condition.

What is this condition?

That after you use this just collapse and sleep and also for you to try to train as hard as possible and the next time you see me is when you are using your power.

Agreed. I could feel the familiar sensation that had happened before. The sensation that something else is in my body. I could feel the being taking over my body. My limbs are taken over and then my eyesight. My eyes start to burn and they turn a deep red. Then she takes over my whole body making me to fully black out unlike last time.

When you black out, you can't feel a thing. When I blacked out I could feel everything. The air that was going through my hands as I was hitting something. My legs moving like they were never tired. Then I felt something that wasn't very pleasant. There was a blade to my throat and it was really cold and my neck had blood dripping onto the blade. I was shocked I could see the walls and also I could see my hands. They were bloodied and they looked broken the same goes with my legs. The guy on the other hand was perfect except for a few cuts and his hands were split open. I had gotten the worse of this. But, I kept my promise and I collapsed and I fell asleep. I guess I was pretty tired because when I woke up I was in a room of white and also what it looked like was it was early in the morning. I turn to get out of bed when I feel someone's head on my lap. When I look to see whose it is I see the black hair of Damien's head. And his closed eyes and his mouth open...snoring. Like really loudly snoring. I was pretty surprised that I didn't wake up any sooner then I did. When I move my legs to get his head off of them he wakes up and he was pretty surprised.

"Why are you surprised Damien did you not think that I would be able to survive the attack or something?"

"I guess there is no way of hiding ot from you right now. Yes, I was pretty scared that you would die and not wake up from this bed. That is why you had found me laying on you. "

"You think I would die from a few wounds like that?"


"Why is that?"

"Well because I have never seen you in such a condition that you had fallen asleep and collapsed."

"Actually I was forced to fall asleep."

"....By who?!?"

"By someone"


"The other being inside of me."

"Another being...?"

"Yes, I have another being in me. Remember when I went on a rage mode? Well that was the other being doing that."

"You are just messing with me."

"I wish I was."

"So, for your power you have another being inside of you. Can it survive if you die?"

"No, the being will also die if I die."

"So, if I kill you then the being will die?"

" Damien I'll live forever and ever! Of course Damien it will die that is what I just said."

"Ok, ok so, how do people kill you?"

"Oh I don't know really. Why do you ask are you trying to kill me?"

"It is just that if you know maybe it will help us with your power and all."

"Like knowing my weakness will help you. If you really want me to train then, let me train and do what I came here for."

"Raven I know that you want to get stronger and everything but, you need to take it easy and rest every once and awhile and not tire yourself out."

"Yeah whatever Damien just can you leave so, I can get changed. And start my training?"

"Ok, but, I will train you myself and also I'll be waiting outside of your room."

"...alright. I'll let you train me but, only on one condition."

"What's the condition?"

"That once I beat you I want to choose who I fight."

"Okay but, here is my condition about that. If you beat me then I get to choose the person."

"Whatever Damien. Can you go now I would like to change."

"Okay. There is clothes in that drawer and towels in that one and the shower is behind that door. Be as quick as possible because if you want to train bad then so, does everyone else here."

"Ok thanks Damien. For everything."

"No problem." Once he gets out of the room I get out of bed and I run straight to the dresser and I open the drawer that he had pointed to. What I find in there is white towels and they looked very hospital like. I grab two towels and I then pull out the other drawer that he had pointed to. Inside there were normal looking training clothes.

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