chapter 8 - Josh

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I haven't managed to stop smiling all day, and I don't stop when I get home. I burst through the door, no one is home, dissapointedly so I can't tell my mom about Tyler. I just can't believe that the boy I had fallen In love with instantly had hugged me and kissed me! And he smelt so good, like a mixture of delicate flowers and tacos. Unable to contain myself I run upstairs and jump on my bed several times, trying to rid myself of excitment. I doesn't work, so I try playing my drums for a while but it only gets me more worked up.

Desperately I look out the window and see Tyler sat in his room behind something big. His window is open, so josh leans out to try and hear him. What a stalker I thought, but It didn't stop me. Suddenly th air was filled with sad piano notes, notes that made me want to cry. Then a beautiful, heart breaking voice chimed in, and I stood and listened. Tears pricked in my eyes and I wiped them away and continued to listen. At my kitchen sink, you don't know what that means because a kitchen sink to you is not a kitchen sink to me okay friend? The lyrics were so sad yet it was so beautiful, and i'd never heard it before.

A sudden urge to drum hit me, so, leaving my window open so I could listen, I ran over and tried to keep to the time and drum with the music. I heard the voice waver a bit in surprise, but it quickly carried on. I tried variations and they all worked well with the music; it sounded amazing.

The song was long, so by the time it had finished my arms were tired and my hands hurt but it was worth it. I got up and went to the window and there was tyler, at what I then realised was a piano. Our eyes connected, and he smiled happily. I go to adjust my cap because it was falling off when a scrap of paper falls out, so i pick it up and it reads a phone number. Excitedly I grab my phone and diall the number , saving it as tyler. Tyler?  I text, hoping it was him. Instantly I heard a phone chime in the distance, and see tyler go to pick it up. My phone pings yeah that's me :) you are so good at the drums josh! It reads. I shiver with happiness and text him back. Thankyou! You are amazing at the piano and your voice is beautiful I send it, ignoring the cringe of my texting skills.
Aw thanks xx Tyler texts me, making my heart flutter, even though it's only a few kisses. I wonder excitedly if Tyler's gay;he must be, or bisexual, because he kissed me. Or maybe that's just a sign of affection around here?i shook my head hard. No, he has gotta like boys. Surely not everyone goes round kissing people on the cheeks, I mean, we're not in france for gods sake.

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