Dan's home

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Lachlen and Dan walked out of school and went to walk, when Alison ran to Lachlen and graped him by the shoulder and almost screamed ° hey little Lachlen are you okay, oeh is that youre boyfriend°, thats when Dan began to blush a slight pink colour, Lachlen almost passed out because of what Alison said, Lachlen try'd to say calm° no he is just  umh a friend°, Alison started laughing and said° i am youre onley friend°, thats's when Lachlen looked a bit sad, Alison said with panic(!) in her voice° oh um sorry Lachlen i didn't mean it like that i just wanted to make a joke for youre new umh friend Daniel i think his name was, but were are you guys going°, Dan looked pretty shooked from what just happend, but before Dan could say anything Lachlen said° i'm going with Dan to his house for a history project°, °well have fun Lachlen° Alison said running of.

At the frontdoor from Dan

Okay were here, when Lachlen looked at the house he kind of died,°how rich are you jeezus it's a  frickin villa, jezus° Lachlen said almost dead like. 

(The house were he lived) 

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(The house were he lived) 

Dan smiled and said° well yeah alot of people said that and than, they were just friends for the money°, °why i dont get it, youre a nice guy why would they hate you but oh he has money let's stay friends, that's kind of really freaking rude, sorry° Lachlen said kind of angry. °Lachlen come in and he put the door open so he could pass° Dan said. The mother came running in and hugged Dan, ° oh how was youre first day°, Dan's mother said and than noticing Lachlen standing pretty akward (pfft same) she said° oh hello i didn't see you there, so i'm Dan's mother or call me ruby°, and put her hand out, Lachlen said° well i'm Lachlen if youre searching for my full name its Lachlen Ruby Emerland Diamond Hale, and its nice to meet you° and he shook her hand and smiled, but than Lachlen phone rang and he got it and said °excuse me° and Lachlen left, Dan's mom said° what a nice and lovely boy, are you guys a couple or like dateing like love at first sight°, °mom shut up okay, he is good looking but first i have too see if i can trust him, because of what happend last time° Dan said.

°Mom i am not crazy i am not like dad, what no i' not thirsty for blood stop i am at Dan's house, you know the new kid yup but i have to go so bye mom° Lachlen said. When Lachlen was back Dan graped him by the arm again scarering him but draged him up the stairs. °So this is my room° Dan said, Lachlen looked like he had a heart attack and almost screamed ° you have a drum and a piano, sorry i just love music its were my soul is free° Lachlen said. Dan looked t him and thought ° i like him aready but i do have to test him soon but he is cut... wow mind don't you dare°. °So should we start° Lachlen asked in a sweet tone. When they finshed it was 22:30, °Lachlen why won't you eat with us° Dan said °if it is okay with you and youre parents, than i think its okay i think° Lachlen said smileling. When they were at the table and they got food the father asked ° so what is youre are, well i mean like bi gay or straight?°, °well i am gay, alot of people think i am straight but im gay° Lachlen said. °So what do you do in youre free time?° Dan's father asked, °well i like to sing i some of like green day nd stuff and play just music in general and i like to draw° Lachlen said, Dan's father said ° wait you listen to green day do you know twenty one pilots that was it right Dan°, Dan nodded. It was 23:00, and Ruby brought Lachlen home but Dan wanted to go with them.

At Lachlen's house

°You have a nice house to Lachlen° Dan said, Lachlen smiled, and opend the door were his mother was standing, the moms were talking, and when they all went away Lachlen went upstairs and went to bed.

~Hello i was bored so imma trow a chacpter in youre face, okay stay safe bye :3~

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