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Lachlen woke up at like 6:00 to get ready but also because he couldn't sleep, so he grabed his phone and started looking at facebook where he made a fren (he doesn't have many frens), Her name was Alison she was like 16 and Lachlen was 17 so it wasn't much of  differents, he started with msgs her. (L-Lachlen A-Alison)  

L- Hi AlPall you up?

A- yeah why couldn't sleep too

L- yep, so why you up

A- parents are fighting for no reason, lol the song ya know The Reason

L- yes i know that song but do you saw the new music video from twenty one pilots

A- wich one

L- heavy dirty soul, like girl that video was amazing like i almost died

A- pffffffft Fanboy 

L- shut up AllyPally

When Lachlen went to look how late it was it was 6:50 and the first periode started at 8:30 so he went back to facing his phone.

L- hey i have to make myself ready you should do too AllyPally cuz we have schools

A- okay dad

L- shut up

A- youre coming to my house right

L- yep see ya 

A- bye little Lachlen

L- shut up Alison or known as A

A- altleast i could kill you

L- just go

A- fine

When Lachlen stood up he went to the bathroom and got ready and put on his suit and got his backpack the time he was done it was 7:20, Lachlen thought to himself ° okay i have 1o mins or Alison will kill me so lets go°. When he got to Alison it was like 7:31, °eh close enough° Lachlen said. Lachlen rang the door bell and Alison opend the door and huged Lachlen, when they were ready to leave Lachlen's favourite person came (not) it was Mark great, ° hey Lachlen Mark is gonne drive us to school you okay with that° Alison asked and she saw me looking not that have but nodded.

At school

The first periode was math, °great i can get bored in class again° Lachlen thought. But when he went inside he saw the place he sat with Alison he saw Mark, he had to sit alone great. When he sat down and got his stuff another guy went in and the teacher also known as Lachlen's mother, Lachlen's mom said° Hello class and welcome to math, we have a new guy please be nice, well why dont you tell somrthing about youreself°, The new guy said° Well i'm Dan and i am 17 years old and i like music and that was it i guess°, °okay why don't you sit next to Lachlen, Lachlen put youre phone away°, Dan came and sat next to Lachlen, and Lachlen put his phone away, ° okay class sins you guys are pretty smart and i teach history to were gonne do a project on history and you can use the math periode, so now choose youre partner° Lachlen's mother said. °You want to be my um... partner° Dan said quitely and the onley thing Lachlen said was° yeah sure, what should we do°, dan said sounding really happy ° we should do it about history about music°, i nodded even tho i was kinda fangirling because i mean green day is pretty old and Michael Jackons and other amazing people. When we were done we onley had art class lunch and history. Lachlen went with the new guy to art class, and we drew ethother i drew Dan and he did me. Onley thing i thought was °food food i am so hungry i could eat a fricking person°, when this Dan guy grapped my hand i kinda panicked so i pulled my hand away, he looked at me with puppy eyes and i said° umh sorry i panicked°, and Dan nodded and than grapped his hand again they got some food and went to sit down, Dan stil holding on to (top) Lachlen and they started eating when josh and Brendon joined in afcourse Bredon had to say° hey Lachlen is that youre boyfr...° that were Lachlen hit him right in the face, Brendon said° owh what the hell Lachlen°. The bell rang and brendon said° i am gonne slap you back its like 14/5 for you but ill slap you, you better watch youre face° he started laughing. they went into history and worked on the project, thats when Dan asked° why dont you come over and we can finish the project°, °sure° Lachlen said. 

~sup frens if i get 12 comments my chubby fren is gonne right  story and i want that to happend so pls frens, anyway hoped you enjoyed the story and see you later~ 

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