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Lachlen went downstairs to see what was happening but nobody was home, the only thing he thought was yes, because he hated being around people even his own family, the only thing they said to him clean that do that, it was so anoying and af course it was al about Zoey and Derek because Derek was good at sports and was  good fighter and Zoey was fast, i hate being born as a weerwolf it means i hade to be strong or i would fail in life i think i aready did i am so stupid wish i could be what they want but af course not i a just a piece of garbadge who did not know what to do. 

When he thought he was alone is father came in the room, his father said ° what do you think youre doing youn man, you have homework and if youre done with that you have too work out and you know what, you wouldn't do it because youre worthless, you couldn't make friends loser now get out°, and so his father left the room, on that moment Derek walked in and said° sup loser, have a friends coming over° he laught and punched Lachlen in the stomache, and with that also Derek walked away laughing.

When Zoey came from school she ignored that her dad was yelling her, she just kept listing to Blink 182, her father grapped her by the shoulder and said ° i a talking to you with youre stupid music, i'm just kidding Lachlen with his Twenty One Pilots and Panic! At The Disco is worse, if he ever met that tyler guy he probably would be disguisted° , Lachlen felt tears prickeling, he couldn't take it anymore he needed to leave and wanted to never come back, he quistiond his live if he wouldn't be alive everything would be better, when everyone would just laugh when he laid there d...dead. 

with that thought Lachlen ran upstairs, and he heard his father yelling ° DID I TELL YOU, YOU COULD LEAVE YOU STUPID PIECE OF TRASH°, his father ran upstairs and slammed on the door and yelled ° OPEN THE DOOR°, but Lachlen didn't listen he was listing to Twenty One Pilots.

His mom knock on my door and said ° Sweetie diners ready are you coming downstairs, and did you get youre test back we need to know what you got, and make youre father proud°. °i'm not hungry°, Lachlen said quitely, so his mother wouldn't get his dad, or he would be punisted. But he was a little late with that because he heard a loud smack against his door.

His father yelled° COME DOWN HERE AND EAT, AND TAKE YOURE TEST WITH YOU°, and he his father went downstairs. ° great i'm gonne get killed by my father, stupid test stupid school°.

~hope you guys liked my story so far~

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