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Hello! Welcome to Book 2 of the Dwayne Robertson Fanfiction, "With Me"! If you haven't read Book 1, it's called "Be There", and you should probably go read it first.

Disclaimer: All characters and plotlines are owned by Disney. I only created Meg Portman and some of the scenes. I might switch around some lines, giving Meg some of them, but they are a product of Disney. Don't sue me.

Meghan "Meg" Portman played by Samantha Boscarino (played Skylar in Good Luck Charlie and Alisha is The Clique)

Meghan "Meg" Portman played by Samantha Boscarino (played Skylar in Good Luck Charlie and Alisha is The Clique)

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Dwayne Robertson played by Ty O'Neal

Dwayne Robertson played by Ty O'Neal

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Dean Portman played by Aaron Lohr

Julie "The Cat" Gaffney played by Colombe Jacobsen (I'm putting her in cast this time because she's more prominent in my storyline than in Book 1)

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Julie "The Cat" Gaffney played by Colombe Jacobsen (I'm putting her in cast this time because she's more prominent in my storyline than in Book 1)

Julie "The Cat" Gaffney played by Colombe Jacobsen (I'm putting her in cast this time because she's more prominent in my storyline than in Book 1)

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The rest of the cast played by the actors in the movies. In this book, the people in the back with the black jerseys on are important, but I still have no idea who that guy in the front is...

Also, do you like the different pictures I used? I thought it would be more fun than just looking at the same pictures for a second time

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Also, do you like the different pictures I used? I thought it would be more fun than just looking at the same pictures for a second time.

Thank you for so much support on my last book, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Believe it or not, I have so much fun writing these chapters, so... I'm a nerd, but whatever. Enough babbling...

And so it begins... again...

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With Me | Sequel to Be There  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now