Someone With a Secret

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"Meg," someone whispers as they shake my shoulder lightly. "Meg, you need to get up now." The voice is calm and quiet, and I recognize it as Connie. I groan and roll over, ignoring here pleas.

She's mumbling something to another person in the room, but I don't know who. All of the sudden, something smashes on top of me, and I sit up quickly to glare at whoever it was. Dwayne stands there, holding a pillow with a smug ass look on his face. "Ugh, what time is it?" I huff, seeing the dark coming through the window.

"Early," Connie replies. "Charlie agreed to some game with the Varsity team last night. It's starting soon, so get up!" I nod and stand, before clumsily shoving them out of my room and into the hallway. "Wear your Ducks jersey!" she calls as I shut the door.

Ducks jersey? Okay, whatever you say, Con. I hastily throw on my gear and tie my hair up, grabbing my bag in the process. I manage to meet them in less than five minutes, a personal record, and we head to the rink.


We slide onto the ice, the first signs of daylight breaking through the windows, casting an eerie glow into the rink. We warm up on one side, while the Varsity do the same on the other side. I take a few practice shots on Goldberg, then I stretch, loosening my stiff morning muscles.

Julie comes up to Goldberg and demands that she should be in goal, since Orion has her starting. Goldberg refuses, saying Orion isn't here, and they finally agree to split the time in goal. I roll my eyes at the two, still trying to figure out an appropriate time to confront Julie about the way she's been acting towards me.

I skate to the bench, but I'm approached by Scooter, the idiot of the Varsity team. "Hey," he says, nudging my shoulder. I turn to the boy, eyebrows raised high. "Can we call it even?" he asks, mentioning the prank.

"I hate ties," I respond. "They're like kissing your brother." I move away, but I hear laughter behind me. I spin around, and I see Dwayne bending over with amusement. I didn't know he was in hearing distance, because that was a weird thing I said. I roll my eyes at my boyfriend before making my way to the bench, where I re-lace my skates.

We all join at the bench, where Charlie goes psycho-mode, telling everyone what to do and where to go. I start off the ice, despite my telling the boy that I should be on defense. He ignores me obviously, and I plop down next to Russ.

Charlie and Reilly are at the faceoff, but Reilly smacks our teammate in the head, winning him the puck. Jackass. Charlie pulls himself up, and the Varsity head down the ice quickly. Connie and Ken both get on Reilly, but he shoves them both down at the same time. Goldberg almost blocks the shot, but the puck goes in, scoring the first goal for the Varsity.

Charlie calls for the Flying V, and the players on the ice swoop together to form the famous Duck play. They make it half-way down the ice before a Varsity player breaks through it, stealing the puck. They fake at Goldberg, then score once again.

I hop onto the ice, replacing Ken, who was begging for the safety of the bench. The next faceoff we win, but we almost instantly lose it. I place myself a few feet in front of Goldberg, and I go after the puck when it's close to me. I'm slammed roughly into the wall, however, and it hurts my shoulder bad, but not bad enough to take me out. I shrug off the pain as the third goal is scored.

We are dominated physically by these boys, and we're being shoved around like we weigh nothing. Charlie manages to get to the Varsity goal, but the goalie catches his triple deke. The Varsity get the rebound, and, at our goal, they wipe out Goldberg and score after taunting him.

"What was that?" I cry, take a step towards Reilly. He shrugs, looking smug. I go to move forward again, but Charlie grabs my arm. "C'mon Charlie, let me at him!"

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