An Invitation

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"I'll meet you outside the dorm house in half an hour," I tell Dwayne, who nods and heads upstairs to his room. We decided to go get a bite to eat after we change and shower, sort of like our third official date, if you count the night he kissed me in California. I shut the wooden door and walk over to my dresser, pulling out a change of clothes.

Julie lays across her loft bed, flipping the page of a book without giving me a glance. She's lounging in her pajamas, and her hair is pulled into a ponytail, a few stray hairs dangling over her forehead.

Slipping into the bathroom, I quickly take a shower, letting the warm water relax my muscles. I step out and dry off, changing into black jeans, a gray tank-sleeved shirt, and an army green jacket that is oversized. I pile my dark hair into a bun, not wanting to bother with drying or braiding it.

I exit the bathroom and sit on the edge of my bed, pulling on my black combat boots. I stand, grabbing some money, and stuffing it into my jacket pocket. "Hey, Julie," I say, and she looks up at me, finally acknowledging my presence. "I'll be back later, okay," I check the clock, which says 5:14. "It'll probably be around six-thirty or seven."

She doesn't respond, but she turns her attention back on her book. I roll my eyes, opening the door, and leaving the dorm. I shove my hands into my pockets, strolling out of the building casually. I lean against the wall, shivering slightly in the cool air.

"Waiting for someone?" a voice asks. I look in the direction it came from, and I instantly smile when I see who it is. I see a grin appear on their face as they give me a half-hug, kind of like the ones Dean gives me.

"Hey, Adam," I say to the blonde-haired boy. I ignore the prank from earlier, since I know Adam didn't have anything to do with the prank on the JV team. "I'm waiting for Dwayne. We're grabbing some food in town." Adam raises his eyebrows at me, and I playfully shove him. "How long does it take to get there?"

He looks at the ground, seeming very focused. "About twenty minutes if you walk. You should go to Mikey's Diner," he suggests. "That's where Charlie's mom works. It's really good." I nod, and he glances at the dorm house. "I got to go. See you around, Meg."

"Wait!" I call, and he stops his travel to the door. "Do you stay in the dorm house? I thought it was for out-of-state students,"

"It mostly is, but the whole Varsity hockey team stays here, since we have early practice every other day. The JV team probably would too, but most of your practices are after school." He replies, and I nod. He gives me a short wave, before entering the building.

I stand around for five minutes, rolling my eyes at the fact that my boyfriend takes more time to get changed than teenage girl. I kick a pebble near my foot, sending it through the air and into the grass. I'm bored out of my mind. Where is he?

"Ready?" someone asks suddenly, and I jump up with a small scream. Dwayne laughs at me, and I glare at him. "Sorry." I roll my eyes and take in his appearance: jeans with a tan-colored tee and a black jacket, of course with his hat.

"Took you long enough," I say, pushing myself off the wall. We head towards the gates of the school. "Did you see Adam inside?"

"No," he answers. "Why?"

I shrug. "He talked to me for a few minutes. He gave me directions, sort of, to town, and said we should eat at some diner that Mrs. Conway works at." Dwayne nods as we pass out of the school grounds, turning left to go to town.

I pull my hands from my pockets, and Dwayne takes this opportunity to grab my hand, lacing our fingers. I smile and glance up at Dwayne, who has a grin on his face as we walk down the sidewalk. Adam was right, the walk took almost twenty minutes, but we finally arrive at Mikey's Diner.

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