Damsel in Distress

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It's the day before the dinner with Varsity, and I'm not looking forward to it. There's obviously something going on, I mean, why else would Varsity be so determined to make sure we would all be there. I had three of the players approach me yesterday to double-check on my presence.

I kick a tiny pebble off the path that Dwayne and I are walking on at the moment. School ended already, and we don't have practice at all today, thank God. A comfortable silence surround the two of us. Well, until the sound of someone running behind us echoes off the cement.

Something launches itself at me, and I almost topple over, but I manage to keep on my feet by flailing my arms wildly. I glare at the auburn-haired boy next to me, who is bending over while wheezing with laughter at me.

I turn my head to see Connie clinging on my back like a monkey. "What are you doing?" I ask, shaking her out of her piggy-back ride. She pouts slightly, and I roll my eyes. "Connie? What's going on?"

She smiles evilly before grabbing my arm. "Dwayne, I'm borrowing Meg for a few hours, okay? Thanks!" Connie starts dragging me away, and I look back at Dwayne who has a shocked expression on his face. I shrug and mouth 'sorry' to him, and he begins walking away.

"Can you please tell me what we are doing?" I question, pulling away from my friend's grasp. For such a sweet girl, she has a death grip, holy shit.

"We are going shopping!" she exclaims happily. "You need a dress for the fancy dinner tomorrow."

I stop in my tracks. "What? What's wrong with one of the dresses I have?"

Connie places her hand on my shoulder. "No offense, honey, but none of the, what, four dresses you have is going to work. We are going to the Minnesota Club, one of the nicest places ever, Meg. You need to get dressed up."

"Okay, fine," I respond, earning a squeal from Connie. "But, let me go to my dorm first. I have to get some money." She nods, saying she'll meet me by the gates.

I run off, making it to the dorms in less than three minutes. Unlocking the door, I rummage through my dresser to pull out the envelope that George gave me. I take out seventy dollars, not knowing how much a dress will cost. I decide to be safe and grab fifty more, assuming that it will be enough.

I swing open the door, and I sprint out of the dorm room, but not until I've locked the door again. I jump over small path light, and hurry to the gates, where I see Connie waving.

"Just in time," she says when I reach her. "The bus is about to leave." We quickly hop onto the bus, sitting closer the front. The ride takes about minutes, and we're the second stop. We're let off a few stores down from Mikey's, and I make a mental note of this, for future reference.

We stroll down the sidewalk, until Connie pulls me into a store. We go to the dresses, but all of them are either too short, too fancy, or too expensive. "Maybe a nice skirt and shirt?" I suggest, and Connie nods, so we move to that section instead.

I check out some skater skirts, but I remember that Reilly and those perverts are going to be there, so I decide I'll get a longer skirt. I don't want any extra attention from those Varsity boys.

I pull a few things off the racks, and Connie dumps a pile into my hands. I'm ordered to go to the fitting room, where I become a doll for my friend to dress up. I must've gone through ten outfits, before I try on something I actually like.

It's a royal blue maxi-skirt that has red and white designs on it, and it flows behind me when I walk. The shirt is a navy blue knit sweater, and it has long sleeves, meaning I won't have to wear a jacket at all.

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