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I must have been zoning out, because next thing I know, I'm being pulled off the metal bench and out of the locker room. "What are you doing?" I whisper-shout at the Texan boy holding my arm.

"We should leave Charlie to 'imself, Meg. He looked pretty down in the dumps," Dwayne answers, releasing me from his tight grip. "C'mon, I'll walk ya to your dorm."

I nod, letting loose hairs fall in front of my face to hide the blush. Despite us dating, he still made my face heat up easily, something no one else could do. He wraps his arm over my shoulder, hugging me against his side in a blanket of warmth and happiness. Dwayne might be toned, but he's so comfortable. It's weird, I know. Don't judge me.

The gesture, I know, is half to keep me warm, and half to keep wandering eyes off my chest, which no longer has a jacket shielding it. Noticing the boys glance then look away when they see Dwayne makes me thankful for my boyfriend. If it was Dean, he'd have punched someone already.

We turn into the dorm building, since we both have a room here, though Dwayne's is on the floor above me. Stopping outside my door, I feel for my key, panicking when I don't find it. "Meg," Dwayne says, as I pat my pockets frantically. "Meg," it's louder this time, more firm then before. Giving up, he grabs my shoulders, making me face him. "Meg."

"What?" I ask, puffing out air, slightly annoyed and slightly paranoid that someone is going to come into my room in the middle of the night if they find my key. I need to stop watching horror movies with Dean at night.

He holds out his hand where the small silver key is lying flat on his palm. My mouth opens, but he speaks before I can. "You left it on the bench. Must've fallen outta your pocket when ya sat down after practice."

"You-," I start. "You could've said something sooner. I almost had a heart attack!" I shove him lightly, but he barely moves, not even stumbling a bit. He laughs quietly at my failure of an attempt, and I roll my eyes, crossing my arms.

He pokes my cheek with his finger, and I pout, my bottom lip sticking out. "Aw, Meggie," he coos, teasing me with a never-before-heard nickname. "Don't be like that. I was only kiddin'. Ya can't be mad at me."

I try hard to keep from smiling, but I'm unsuccessful when a smile cracks onto my face. "I know, I know," I say, reaching for the key in his hand. Before I grab it, his fist closes, denying me my possession. I look up at him, and he's got a playful smirk on his face.

"I don't think so," he shakes his head slowly. "I could've left it on the bench, ya know."

I roll my eyes. "Yes, I know, Dwayne," I respond, but I give into whatever idea he had. I have a feeling, however, that I know what it is. "Okay, okay. I'm not stupid. What do you want?"

He smiles, leaning down, and placing his lips on mine. It feels like only yesterday he first kissed me that night on the rink, but it's been months, and it shows. It's longer than the first one we shared, but it still gives me a tingly feeling in my stomach, like millions of butterflies erupted inside me. He puts one hand one my cheek, caressing my face before he pulls away with a gleaming look in his eyes, and a breathtaking smile on his lips. 

He slips the key into my hand. "See ya later, Meg." He brushes his lips over my forehead, then he turns and walks towards the stairs.

I fumble with the key, still flustered and blushing as I jam it into the lock. I slink inside, shutting the door behind me quickly as I lean against it and sigh.

All of the sudden, something hits me in the face. Not hard like you-know-who hit me before California, but not soft like Dean when he's fooling around with me.

With Me | Sequel to Be There  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now