Chapter 3: Back To Tumbling

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It's been 6 months since my ACL surgery. I can now train and compete every event. Today is my first meet competing beam, vault, and floor since I tore my ACL. I am feeling very confident about bars because I've been practicing and competing bars for the past 6 months. I have to get dressed. I grab my pink leotard that's covered in white, swirly designs and rhinestones. I put that on and then I put on my knee brace. I don't have to wear the brace all the time. I only have to wear it when I'm at gymnastics. I go downstairs and my mom does my hair in a braid on the side up into a curled high ponytail. She puts my pink scrunchie that matches my leotard in my hair. I grab my black gym with "CALISTA" on it in pink.
**At the meet**
I'm about to do my tumbling pass on floor. My knee hasn't really been bothering me during my floor routine. I run several steps. I go into a round off, do two back handspring step out, do a back tuck, and end with a full and a front pike tuck. I am so proud of myself! I look at the scoreboard and it says "Floor: Calista Morgan: 10.00" I got a perfect 10 on floor! Now I have to do the dreaded beam and vault. I start my beam routine with a press handstand. I land that in a split. I get up and do a front walkover into a back handspring step out and end with two back layout step outs. I do some front handsprings and front walkovers. I do two back handsprings and a full as my dismount. My beam score pops up on the board "Beam: Calista Morgan: 9.700" I'm so proud of myself! I fished my meet with vault and bars. I got a 9.552 on vault and a perfect 10 on bars! I got first place on every even and first place all around with a score of 39.252! I just recently turned 13 and got a call from the Junior Elite head coach saying that I can train with the Junior Elite team! Rylie got second place with a score of 37.576! My team overall got first! We all went to an ice cream place and ate way too much ice cream! I fell asleep in the car so my mom carried me into the house and it was about 12:17 that night when we got home.

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