Chapter 5: First Junior Elite Meet

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I am now 14 and I can compete Junior Elite. I am about to do beam. I'm really nervous because I suck at beam and I hate it. Plus, I'm competing Junior Elite so there's a lot of pressure on me to be perfect. I walk up to the beam. I salute and see the judges nod. I do a front tuck from the ground to the beam and land it perfectly. I do a press handstand into a round off back tuck. I do some back handsprings and some back layout step outs and I end my routine with a full as my dismount. I see my score "Beam: C. Morgan: 9.552" I didn't get a 10 but I got a pretty good score. Next is vault. I hate vault. It's always my worst score at meets. I do a yurchenko vault and then I try a full for my second vault. I landed the yurchenko but on the full I tripped a little. My scored was an 8.252. That's better than most of my meets. I got a 7.700 on floor because I sprained my ankle while warming up some tumbling. I got a 9.752 on bars. Not what I was expecting for my first meet, but it's only the first there are many more to come. My all-around score was 35.256 and I got third place. After the meet I was upset and Rylie came up to me. "Hey champ! Don't be sad! It's only your first meet! I didn't even place on the podium!" She said. Mia walked over to us. She got 5th place. "Hey C! You did great! The girls that beat you were 15 and 16 years old! You just turned 14 and it's your first meet! Don't be upset! Some of those girls have been competing Junior Elite since they were 12 and 13 years old!" Mia said. My coach walked over to our team afterwards and said, "Hey girls good job today! Remember it was only our first meet. And girls remember that even when you get first place there's always room for improvement. I liked Mia's form on beam, Calista I liked what you did on bars and Rylie I loved your tumbling on your floor routine today. Girls go to your parents and I will see you next week!" After that pep talk I felt good about my third place win. I will get better the longer I train and compete. I turn 15 in a few months and I can go train for the olympics. A lot of people have told me not many 16 year olds make it to the olympics but I know if I work hard enough and train through injuries then I can make it to the olympics.

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