Chapter 16

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Paige dropped her off at the trailer. She wanted to go inside with her, but Sydney wouldn't let her.  Paige was not always the most subtle of people, and she knew that with her new knowledge Paige would say something awkward, and Sydney didn't want to add to an already uncomfortable situation.

When she entered the trailer, she was glad that she had insisted Paige leave. It was a full room, and Sydney was surprised at the extra people. Sydney recognized Cole's father, but there was another woman with him, and she was stunning. The woman could only be described as beautiful. She was tall and willowy and had a lovely mane of chestnut hair that curled around her shoulders, She was wearing a sleeveless sundress in a deep green that captured the exact color of her eyes. Her skin was perfect alabaster, and her lips were painted the perfect shade of red. Sydney knew she was plain, but next to this woman she was even more so. Sydney placed her in her thirties, about Cole's age, maybe a bit older.

Theresa was sitting at Sydney's desk again, and she looked very put out by the new beauty on the scene. The atmosphere was stilted and heavy, and it felt as if she had walked in on a conversation that was intensely personal.

Cole's father nodded absently towards Sydney as she entered, and it was hard to tell if he recognized her or not. Sydney was glad of this because as far as she knew, Theresa didn't realize that she had visited Cole's family, and wasn't sure if it was something that he wanted Theresa to know.

"How was lunch, Miss Mitchell?" Cole asked as the door closed behind her.

"It was fine, Dr. Easton. Should I wait outside? It seems rather crowded in here."

"No, come in please, you remember my father Howard, and this is Bridget Winters, she's visiting my parents and asked to see the site." Cole's introductions were brief.

Sydney nodded to them both and moved to stand behind her desk. She couldn't sit because Theresa was in her seat and showed no signs of moving as her eyes stayed glued to the beautiful woman.

There was a brief conversation between the two men and Bridget looked at Cole while he was talking to his father. She looked at him so adoringly, as if he had hung the moon. How could a girl compete with that? Sydney looked down at her phone while they talked, pretending to be reading something, and she was so lost in her thoughts that she was entirely caught off guard when Howard said her name.

"Sydney, you, and Theresa of course, are invited to the house for dinner this evening as well." He smiled kindly at her.

"Ummm..." She was so taken aback that it took her a moment to gather her wits to say no, and by the time she had, it was too late.

"We would love to come, Howard," Theresa agreed for both of them before Sydney could say no.

Sydney looked over at Cole, who looked bored by the entire situation. He had moved back to his desk, sitting in his chair, watching Sydney. Since he wasn't going to object, she just smiled and nodded.

"I'll take the dog's out for a little walk." Sydney made a move towards the door. The dogs jumped up to follow as if they also seemed uncomfortable with the vibe in the trailer, and as soon as she stepped out the door she took a deep breath.

She wondered if there was a way she could get out of it. She had the rest of the afternoon to come up with a plan. Sydney had just fastened the dog's leashes when Cole, his father, and the woman name Bridget stepped out of the trailer.

"Miss Mitchell, would you wait a moment please?" Cole asked  before he walked with his father and Bridget as the moved towards a town car.

Bridgett looked over at Sydney, taking in her dress and the dogs with very little interest before she kissed Cole on the cheek and allowed him to put her in the car. Cole waited until the car was out of sight before he walked over to where Sydney stood, patiently waiting.

"Mother and Aunt Viola have specifically requested your presence tonight, so if you want to keep using the car, I suggest you make it." It was not what she had been expecting him to say.

He stared hard at Sydney, who refused to look at him.

"Fine," she agreed.

"We'll leave the hotel at six, and pack a bag. We'll be spending the night." He turned to walk back towards the trailer. "Oh, and would you let Paige know that I would like a word with her the next time you see her?"

Sydney swallowed hard as her eyes finally met his. "She won't answer your question's, Dr. Easton. It would be a waste of your time to talk to her." Maybe she could dissuade him.

"And why won't she answer these supposed questions that you think I'm going to ask?" Cole raised an eyebrow.

"Because I've told her not to."

"I still want to talk to her." He smiled a smile that didn't reach his eyes and nodded before silently entering the trailer, leaving Sydney alone with the dogs.

"He's a horrible man!" she cried as she yanked the dogs along. Thankfully they got the hint and started to walk at a brisk pace.

All she could do was pray that Paige kept her promise.


Cole had gone back into the trailer, grabbed his keys and then left, with a reminder to Theresa about that evening and not to lock Sydney out of the trailer. Now, he sat in front of the old house thinking about Sydney and how close they had come to making love earlier that day.

He knew he had made the right choice in walking away, but he was angry at himself for upsetting Sydney. He didn't know how he had become so attuned to her feelings but he had, which is why he had known that she was going to hurt Theresa when they had arrived at the trailer and witnessed her sitting at Sydney's desk. He had been glad to see Theresa there, knowing that being alone with Sydney wasn't a good idea.

When he had returned to the trailer with Theresa, after asking some inane question about the site, it was evident that Sydney had been crying, and he knew he was the cause. She had put herself out there, not appearing to want anything in return, and he had walked away for a second time. But it was the doubt that she might want something other than him that had made him walk away, and he had Bridget to thank for that.

Now it had come full circle, and Bridget was back. Why had she come back now, after all these years? He knew she wanted something, but he didn't care because she wasn't going to get it. He didn't care about Bridget, and it was a relief. He did, however, care about Sydney. She was driving him nuts. He had to figure out the answers to his questions soon because he didn't think he could stand firm against her for much longer.

Cole had lied when he had told Sydney that he was amazed she had read so much in the Babcock photo. He had seen the love in it too, and he wanted that, but he only wanted it with Sydney. He wanted to be able to look at her with that much love and have her return that love. He wasn't sure when she had entered his heart, but she had. Could he trust her with that knowledge though? Was she the cold and careless girl or the warm and witty one?

More importantly, did she love him or hate him in return?

First, he had to get through dinner that night and make sure his mother and Aunt Viola played nice with Bridget. He had to give it to the woman, she had guts to visit after all these years and to stay in his parents' house. Somehow, he didn't think Sydney was going to take to Bridget either, and he was secretly looking forward to seeing her in action, after all, he had first knowledge of just how sharp Sydney's tongue could be.

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