Chapter 24 (The End)

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It was the end of the summer. The students were spending their last official day packing up the dig site, and a truck had come to load up all of the artifacts and take them to the University where they could be sorted and studied. Sydney was dismantling the trailer and backing up all of her work to a hard drive which would be headed back with Cole.

Sydney had never been happier in her life. She and Cole had snuck in as many moments as they could, but they had to get through the last two weeks of the dig before they could become official. They had tended to avoid each other because it was hard for them to stay apart when they were near each other.

Sydney was powering down the computer when Paige entered the trailer with a squeal. Peter was right on her heels, rolling his eyes at Paige's dramatics. "Look." Paige held out her hand. "Father gave his blessing, we're going to be married sometime next June, and you will be my maid of honor."

Sydney took her hand pretending to judge the massive rock on her finger, but her serious face split into a grin as she pulled her in for a hug. When she was done, she reached for Peter hugging him just as Cole entered the trailer.

Cole frowned as he caught the hug.

"Look, Dr. Easton. Peter and I are getting married next summer." Paige flashed her ring at Cole.

He took her hand, admiring the ring and then shook Peter's hand. "Congratulations, but please it's past time that you call me Cole."

When Theresa entered, and they went through it all again, and Sydney shook her head. Paige was going to be hoarse by the end of the day if she kept squealing every time she had someone new to tell.

"It'll be next June and Sydney has agreed to be my maid of honor," Paige said, grabbing Sydney around the waist and pulling her close.

"Better make that matron of honor," Cole said as he rooted around his desk for something that turned out to be a manila envelope, and it looked heavy as if it had some sort of artifact in it.

At the continued silence, he looked up at everyone, and they were all staring at him.

Sydney's eyes had grown round in shock, had he just proposed?

"I'm not waiting until next June," he insisted as he looked at Sydney then motioned to the door with his head. "Let's go." His face split in a grin that rivaled Paige's. "I have a surprise for you."

Paige squealed again as she hugged Sydney close. "Check out Theresa, I think she's going to explode."

Sydney looked over at Theresa, and she was indeed very red and looked a little like a fish as her mouth opened and closed. Sydney must not have been moving fast enough because Cole grabbed her in a fireman's hold again and carried her out the door.

"Will you stop carrying me like this!" Sydney huffed.

"No, it gives me the best view in the world." He dumped her in the truck and planted a kiss on her lips before closing the door on her.

"Where are we going?" Sydney asked as she buckled her seatbelt before Cole could. It had become one of his favorite pastimes, and he always insisted on helping her with the little chore.

His eyebrows raised as he climbed in next to her, but he didn't say anything. Sydney was aware of all of the eyes that were watching them, not only from the trailer but the site as well. Cole wasn't being shy.

"Was that just a proposal of marriage back there?" Sydney asked, holding tight to the truck's seat as she drove away in a hurry.

"Unofficially, yes." He turned onto the highway.

"What if I say no?" Sydney teased.

Cole looked at her. "You'll break my heart."

Sydney swallowed at the fear she saw reflected in his eyes, and even though he had said it many times, it was the first time she truly believed that he wanted her.

"I love you, Cole," she said. It was the first time she had ever spoken those words to anyone.

He stopped the truck and reached for her giving her a sudden kiss, "I love you too, but we can't stop now."

Sydney laughed with joy. "You're like a little kid."   

He grinned back at her. "Just wait."

Five minutes later he pulled up in front of the Babcock house. All of the boards had been taken off of the windows, and the paint had been touched up; it was beautiful.

"Cole." Sydney moved in slow motion, unbuckling her seat belt and falling out of the truck.

Cole walked around the truck to meet her. "I love you, Sydney Mitchell. I love your sharp tongue and your quick wit. I love the way you've never met a stranger, and you want to help everyone you meet. But most of all, I love your beauty. To me you are the most beautiful woman in the world. You've made a beautiful mess of my heart. I want to grow old with you, will you marry me?"

Sydney was crying. "Cole."

"I bought you this house. I figured if it helped Mr. Babcock in winning Mrs. Babcock's heart, it might work for me too."

"But you can't afford it?" Sydney wiped at the tears looking at the massive key he had pulled from the envelope that he had picked up from his desk.

"Aunt Viola spotted me. She likes you, and she agreed that I need all of the help I can get. She and Mom both agree that I don't deserve you." He tugged at her arm, leading her up onto the porch, but before Cole could use the key Sydney reached for the doorknob, and the door opened easily.

Cole frowned. "I locked it this morning."

"It's Mrs. Babcock welcoming us." Sydney smiled as she stepped over the threshold.

All of the photos were still there, although they had been cleaned. In fact, the whole house had been cleaned and there were flowers everywhere. Sydney stood in the middle of the hall and turned in a circle, overwhelmed.

"Are you sure Cole?"

"I have never been more sure of anything, or wanted anything as badly as I want you in my life Sydney." Cole's voice broke.

Sydney nodded. "I'll marry you, Cole. I'll marry you and love you for the rest of our lives because I don't think I can live without you."

She ran to him, and he picked her up as he kissed her, carrying her up the stairs. They were both too wrapped up in each other to notice that Mrs. Babcock closed the front door behind them.

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