Chapter 21

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The next two weeks flew by, and Sydney saw very little of Cole. It was as if he was avoiding her. Maybe he thought that she believed that his kisses had meant more than they had, and with her parting comment she really couldn't blame him.

The trip from his parent's house to the hotel had been a tense one. Although Theresa had seemed immune to the tension since she talked the entire way back to the hotel. But why wouldn't Theresa be immune, she hadn't witnessed Cole's last devastating kiss or Sydney's almost admission of love at the end of it? She cringed again as she heard the words roll through her head.

Sydney couldn't help but wonder what Cole would have said if he had caught her as she fled the kitchen. She also wondered what his and Bridget's exchange had been. There were more questions now than there had ever been.

While Sydney's confidence was at an all-time low, Theresa was walking around as if she owned the site, and it made Sydney want to scream. Luckily, Sydney was able to avoid her almost as much as she was able to avoid Cole. She was seven weeks in, she only had three more weeks to get through, and the following weekend she was going to her parent's house for their anniversary party. It was an event that she was dreading.

Having fallen back into her routine, she was working at the diner for Stephanie, who had wanted to take Sam out on a date to see a new movie that had been released the previous week. Sydney needed to keep busy, so she was happy to help because it filled an otherwise endless Saturday.

She had been on duty since two that afternoon, and she only had another few hours to get through before she could go back to the trailer and check on the dogs. The dinner shift had been surprisingly busy, and she had made a decent amount in tips. It was gas money for her new car. Cole had left the title on her desk the previous week, and she was officially the owner.

It was the best gift anyone had ever given her.

The bell over the door rang, and Sydney turned to look at the new customer. He was a handsome man who wasn't from around the area. The few months that she has been working at the diner meant that she recognized most of the faces that ate there and she would have remembered seeing this man.

He sat in the corner booth and smiled as she approached him with a menu.

"How are you this evening?" she asked as she reached him.

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Fine, thanks." She looked at the man; he was tall and lean with dark brown hair and warm brown eyes. He also carried an air of authority about him, as if he was used to being in charge. "What can I get you to drink?"

"I'll have an iced tea, thanks."

Sydney nodded as she moved away from him to get his drink. She wondered if he was just passing through on a road trip. Although, if that were the case he was a little bit off the beaten track.

She returned with his drink and asked him if he was ready to order, he declined, saying he was waiting for someone. It was a few minutes later when she heard the bell over the door again, and she watched Cole enter the diner. His eyes met hers, and they took in each other's appearance without saying a word.

He looked good she noted as he nodded in her direction then moved towards the man in the corner booth. He had been waiting for Cole. Sydney followed Cole to the table with another menu plopping it down in front of him.

"What can I get you to drink." She couldn't hide the quiver in her voice. Why did he do this to her?

"I'll have a water, Sydney," he said with a smile.

Sydney nodded, noting that the man sitting across from Cole was unable to hide his look of surprise quick enough. She watched him as he looked between her and Cole, watching them.

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