I'll see you soon

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(Just realized a major plot hole so I edited it)
Vincent's POV
The guards dragged me to where I was to be executed. Where I was to die, be buried, and be forgotten. A small smirk crawled on my face. At least that's what they think. I waited til they undid my jacket so they could strap me to the table. I head-butted the first guard the kicked the second. But I wasn't finished I grabbed the first guards gun and shot him along with the other. I was also gonna shoot the doctor who was gonna perform the injection but then I got an amazing idea. I motioned him to in front of the glass where I knew Dr. Rays was. He stood there a look of fear on his face then I shot him anyways. His brains, flesh, and blood blasted against the wall. Also covering where I was so I took this time to crawl through the vents outta here. I ran I wasn't looking back I just ran. I knew I had to find shelter so I'll have to to work on that. I ran into the woods and climbed up a tree. I watched from a higher level, the guards running. Looking for me I know doubt have my face on the news so I need to find a place to hide fast.

Scott's POV
I was going out on a walk feeling empty. As I listened to the sounds of nature I didn't realize I was walking towards Vincent's mental hospital. I stopped a took a moment to think what the hell was I thinking. I was about to turn around when I heard alarms go off. I saw police car fly past me oh god did someone escape. I ran home I had to tell Jeremy. After a while of running I finally made it to my house. Jeremy wasn't home yet of course. I waited until my heart calmed down and reached for my phone to call Jeremy.

Ring ring rin-

"H hello?"

"Jeremy it's me!"

"Oh h hey Sc Scott what's going on?"

"I think a prisoner escaped Varnish mental hospital"

"Varnish? Isn't th that the h hospital Vincent's i in?"

"Yeah and I think someone broke out"

"Oh m my"

"Yeah so be on look out ok? When you get off of work come straight home"

"O ok"

"Bye Jeremy"

"B bye Scott"

I hung up and laid on my coach what if it was Vincent who broke out. Oh god then he's coming here! I tried to calm down maybe it wasn't Vincent and we're safe. But some part of me wishes it were Vincent. I sighed I knew I missed him, I missed him more then anything in my life. I cried into the sofa I wanted to hug him and kiss him. I sobbed harder he risked his freedom and took me because he wanted me to be safe and I through that all in his face and made him go back. All he wanted was to not be forgotten yet here I am pretending like he never existed.

Vincent's POV
I watched the man through the window and watch him cry. It was heart breaking but I didn't know wy. My instincts just kicked in and took me here and here I am watching this stranger cry. So sad.

"Don't worry"

I hid in the backyard. I wasn't dumb I knew they'd look for me in other houses after they've checked my old one. So I had to keep it low and wait. I entered the basement surprisingly enough the guy never locks his basement. Wow someone you didn't know could've snuck in here. I chuckled to myself and looked for a place to hide.

(Much better)

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