The Plot

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Ben Rays hated prison at first. The place wreaked, the men there were vile, and the food was not even ment for human consumption at times. Yet Rays wasn't as miserable as one thought though.

Infact the Doctor spent most of his time gathering followers and planning. He was smart and making these simple minded Neanderthals do his biding was simple with a few well placed words.

Within monthes they had a plan. Next weekend they were going to escape. Well mainly him the others he didn't really care for. They would most likely be caught while he escaped this horrible place and he was fine with that fact.

All that was left for the good doctor to do now was plan for his little get together with Vincent.

He had being sketching his plans when his notebook was snatched from him by his cell mate. This man was new and did not know what exactly he was getting into. But that doesn't mean Rays showed him any mercy.

The guards told him later that his cell mate had been screaming for hours inside of inmate isolation. He was screaming so loud that he ripped his vocal cords and for the first time in mouths Rays smiled.

He still had it.

The weekend came.

This was it. He sat in the cafeteria with the other pigs waiting, waiting, waiting...

There was an explosion in the kitchen the gaurds rushed to access to the situation. Rays smirked as he snagged one of their keys in the scuffle.

Within the hour he's out. Freedom. He had no idea if all of his comrades nade it out with him.  But he promised them if they didn't make it he'd get them out from the outside. A promise of course he did not intend to keep.

He runs towards the woods a few others running with him and huge smile on his face.

"Don't you worry Vinny I'll see you very, very soon."

They settled down when night struck and made a makeshift fire.

"So what yall gunna do now?" One of the prisoners asked, Rodney.

"Probadly steal." Spoke one of the duller inmates, Sam.

"Y'all idiots I'm getting outta here." The biggest one of the three Jack.

"Gentlemen is that really all you got planned?" Rays spoke.

"Yeah why? You got something better?"

"Well I could implore you. I could use the help."

Scott's House
Scott and Jeremy were eating dinner quietly at the table. The air was thick and it was obvious someone wanted to speak but neither of them had the courage to break the ice.

When Scott had returned home from work he found Jeremy fucking a guy on their couch.

Obviously, now things were very awkward between them.

"So um...I guess you're puttin yourself out there again?" Scott asked shattering the silence.

"No, uh... not exactly." Jeremy looked away.

Then things went quiet again.

"Why...our couch?"

"I SAID I WAS SORRY ABOUT THAT!" Jeremy shouted and then immediately hushed down.

Scott sighed and shook his head.

"Where did you meet the guy?"

"Tinder. It was just a booty call I swear!" Jeremy looked away avoiding eye contact.

"Jeremy is fine that you're seeing other people I don't mind."

"I know, it's weird you know?"

Scott nods and gives Jeremy a gentle smile.

"Yeah, I know Jere."

Jeremy returns his smile and they both went back to eating there food. A couple minutes later the silence was broken again.

"So how is Vincent?"

Scott nearly spit out his food. He swallowed what he had and looked at Jeremy. Until now Jeremy never asked about Vincent's wellbeing.

"Um...he's alright, getting better each day. Uh why?"

Jeremy shrugged and went back to eating. Scott gave him a strange look before shrugging it off.

Once dinner was done and the dishes were washed, Scott and Jeremy got ready for bed.

With a brief goodnight the two fell asleep. No homo.

(Sorry tis one be short mates.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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