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(Tis chapter be dedicated to SeaductiveFoxxo
Lass made some of ta best cover art ta captains ever seen. A true treasure.
Teir beautiful Deviant Art:
Absolutely stunnin.
Thanks again lass! Enjoy ta chapter.)

Third POV
The bedroom door slammed open. Vincent's closed eyes opened to see Scott stand there panting like he had just ran a mile.


Vincent starred, his disturbed and scared mind couldn't understand what he was seeing.

Rays looked dead at Vincent acting as though Scott hadn't just burst through the door.

"Vincent you're hallucinating again."

Vincent felt more tears well up in his eyes.


Scott wanted to approach him and take the gun away from his head but he was afraid. Vincent wasn't in the right mind set.

"Vincent please put the gun down I'm begging you."

Rays was getting impatient.

"Vincent you know what you have to do."

Scott turned to Rays eyes wide.

"What are you talking about Ben?! He's going to kill himself!" Scott yelled obivously panicked.

Rays however didn't flinch.


He ordered.

Vincent's hand shook. He gripped the trigger. He wanted to shoot, to end it all. The man he killed and perhaps loved was standing before him.


Dr. Rays shouted growing even more impatient.

Vincent cocked the gun getting ready to shoot when Scott tackled him.

Throwing the gun as far away as he could before holding Vincent in the tightest hug he could muster.

"Please don't." Scott sifted his hand through Vincent's matted purple hair.

"I won't let you die, not like this."

Scott felt the tears welling up as Vincent lay limp in his arms.

"Who are you?" Vincent asked tears trailing their ways down his cheeks.

"Your lover, Vincent. I love you so much. To much to let you kill yourself."

"I'm a murderer."

"I know but...I just can't loose you. Not again. You're far to important to me."

Vincent gripped Scott's shirt tightly.

"I thought I killed you."

"You didn't and I know you never will. You said so yourself remember?"

'I love you Scotty I could never kill you!'


Scott lifted Vincent's chin starring into those milky eyes. Now puffy and pink due to the crying.
Scott leaned in and kissed Vincent's lips, closing his eyes.

Vincent starred up at him. Not knowing what to do.
His once cold and cracked heart seemed to fill with warmth and joy at Scott's touch. So Vincent kissed back.
Slowly the pair pulled apart for the first time in so long they had kissed. It had felt so amazing to be with the other that in those short minutes, the two had completely forgot about Rays. That was until he desided to make his presence known.

A small click could be heard from behind them.
Scott turned to see the business end the gun from earlier being pointed at him.

"Out of the way Scott." Rays ordered.

Scott who usually never was a fighter, glared at Dr. Rays.

"I'm not going anywhere Ben."

"Why are you defending him?! Did you forget what he did to you?!"

"Of course I do! But..." Scott paused.

"I'm not going to just sit back and let you kill him."

"He's a monster!"

"He's sick! But he is in no way a monster. I though you were more professional then that."

Rays growled.
"I don't want to hurt you Scott."

"That makes one of us." And without another word Scott snatched the gun from Rays hand and pointed it right back at him.

Rays backed up as Scott stood leaving Vincent to sit on the ground and watch.

Then Rays smiled.
"Go on then shoot me. You said you wanted to hurt me, do it!"

Scott glared still pointing the gun and slowly approached him.

"That's what I thought. You can't!" Rays smirked.

But before he could utter another word Scott's fist connected with Rays' jaw knocking him clean to the floor and out comepletely.

Scott tied him up using the window curtain as a make shift rope and made his way back to Vincent and held him again. While said Grape starred at Rays' unconscious body on the floor.

"I'll have to call the police Vincent."

Vincent shook his head tears forming in his eyes once more.

"No no they'll take me away again. I'll forget even more! Please please!" He begged.

Scott sighed and kissed his tears away.
"You need help Vincent. You're sick."

"No no!"

"Shhh" He gently petted him whispering sweet words of nothing to calm him down.

"I promise I'll visit you every day I can."

Vincent cried into Scott's shirt. He didn't want to go back. But if Scott thought it was best then he would.

"I'll go." Vincent sobbed attempting to get out of Scott's hold.

"Hey hey stay with me ok? This might be the last time I get to hold you for awhile."

Vincent nodded and leaned against Scott and cried quietly while Scott phoned the police.

"I love you." Vincent whispered.

"I love you too." Scott replied kissing Vincent again.

Vincent happliy kissed back.

The two laid there just enjoying each others embrace and company.

Soon after the police arrived, they took Rays and Vincent, locking them in separate cars. While Scott explained to them what happened.

Vincent felt cold once he was taken from Scott's embrace and he knew he'd be that way for a while. He waved goodbye as he was driven away from Scott once more, using all of his strength not to cry.

"I love you" They whispered in unison.

Vincent was going to admitted to a new hospital, Ben Rays was going to locked up, and Scott now had to explain to Jeremy what had happened.

(Story ain' done yet mateys it's gonna be a happy ending ta captain swears on it.)

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