To reunite

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Vincent POV
I had to figure out where Dr. Rays had hidden him. It wasn't hard to find out though. Before I had bolted I had heard Dr. Rays mention something about a hotel and as luck would have it there was only one hotel in this town. All I had to do was get directions or better yet find a map.

After hours of searching I found it. The place was pretty run down. It could barely pass as a hotel. That didn't matter though, all that mattered was getting inside undetected.

The guards the Dr. Rays had brought stood if front of the door to room B5 which gave away where Rays was holding him. If I didn't know any better I'd say he wanted me to find him.

Who ever this man was.

I managed to get into the room via fire escape. The building was very old so it made quite a bit of noise as I climbed. I tried the window and with luck it was unlocked. I opened it, climbed in, and shut it with ease and looked around the room. It was dark but it wasn't hard to tell this was the living room. I hid down behind the sofa when I heard foot steps along with two vaguely fimliar voices.

"So how are you and Jeremy getting along?"

"Uh fine. Jere's pretty nervous over the whole situation."

The first voice was Dr. Rays. I shook in realization. The secound however I still could not place. So many questions ran through my head.

3rd POV
Dr. Rays glared at Scott seemingly scowling at Jeremy's name.

"If Jeremy wants to get through this unscathed and alive he'll deal with it."

Scott's eyes widen in surprise at his childhood friends sudden anger.

"Wow Ben, a little harsh don't you think?"

Dr. Rays sighs relaxing his face.

"I apologize. It's just... with your friend Mike's death, your disappearance, and Vincent's escape. I don't want to loose you to this maniac."

Scott nods in understandment.

They pair move to the couch and sit down.

"I still don't get Scott how did you do it?"

"What do you mean?" Scott tilted his head.

"He had you, Vincent had you. You were alone in a place that would have taken the authorities maybe monthes at best to find you and yet he let you go. He called 911 and let you free. How and why?"

Scott turned his head away trying to think of an answer.


Suddenly a large crash came from the kitchen. The pair stood up in surprise.

"I'll go check it out." Scott whispers.

"No it might be him. Lock yourself up in Jeremy's room and call Jeremy and tell him not to come back for a bit. Just incase." Rays had a hand on Scott's shoulder looking him dead in the eyes.

Scott nods and does as he's told.

Rays silently made his way to the kitchen where the initial sound was heard.

He heard silent shuffling in what must have been the second bed room, Scott's room.

He crept around the corner. The hallway light was off same for room up ahead.

He contiued to hear the shuffling. Someone was undoubtedly in there.

He peered inside the dark room.

There he was, that little purple maniac searching desperately through the room.

'What was he looking for?'

With Vincent's back turned to him Rays stepped inside making sure his side arm was still in his back pocket.


Vincent froze, he was shacking already.

"Vincent, we've been looking everywhere for you."
Rays spoke in a calm voice, walking deeper into the room.

Vincent turned around his white dead eyes wide with fear. Staring at what must have been Satan himself.

"Your overdue on your medication."

Vincent was starting to panic.

Why was he here? The main source of all of his pain and suffering. Why was Dr. Rays keeping him from the truth? Why?

"Come on now, if you come with me quietly we can have you escorted back to your cell and get you all fixed up."

"No!" Vincent raised a gun to Rays. The same gun he used to escape.

"Tell me who he is now!" Vincent screamed though Rays remained calm. Vincent was swearing and hyperventilating, obivously panicking. Rays presencereally set him off.

"Vincent, your having another psychotic break. You need to calm down."

"NO! Tell me who he is!"

"Who, who is Vincent?"


He lifted a crumbled photo he found in one of the drawers. It was him and Scott sharing what had to be a close moment. Vincent still had his straight jacket on so it must have been while Scott was keeping him Rays noted.

"His name is Scott Cawthlion he was one of your victims."

Vincent never looked so distraught before.

"W what?"

"You killed him."

"N no I-"

"He was your caretaker and when he turned his back to you. You kidnapped him and murdered him."

Vincent felt tears perking in his eyes. His arms felt weak and slowly he lowered his gun.

"I didn't-"

"You did. Then you called the police coffesing to your crime."

"I don't remember."

"Your mind pushed it away. Tried to delete it in order to keep what sanity you had left."

Vincent looked down a huge sense of dread filled all of his senses.

"He cared about me."

"Yes, yes he did and how did you repay his kindness?"

"I I I killed him."

"Who did you kill?"

"Scott Cawthlion."

"So what do you think you should do?"

Tears streamed down Vincent's cheeks as he slowly raised the gun to his temple. He then looked up at Rays, his eyes cold and distant.

"Good." Rays smiled.

Vincent closed his eyes.


(Ahoy tere miss me?)

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