Something to know

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(Ahoy 'ere's somethin ye should know. When I first created Dr. Rays he twas a completely different character. His original name was Mr. Rays and he was nervous, smart, and cautious. But he had PSD Personality Switch Disorder. His other half Dr. Smiles was very very different. Dr. Smiles was brutal, a sociopath, and a sadomasochist. They change at random times. But further on I made it seem like tis wasn' ta case and tat Mr. Rays an' Dr. Smiles were just fused. So maybe a little backstory on dear Dr. Rays.)

3rd POV
Ben hated this job being a secretary truly was the worst. His boss was a slacker never working. Despite the fact that he had to run an entire mental hospital! Ray's hated this, he hated his boss, hell he found himself hating everything. But then of course there was the occasional ring from Scott. God he missed him Scott was a good friend to him and helped him through some tough times. Mr. Ray's just couldn't understand it how can someone just radiate happiness and security. Ben shook his head as he worked on his computer. His job wasn't hard but god it was boring. All he ever did all day was sit at a desk changing numbers for dates and making sure the staff know when to give the patients those medicine at the right times. It was truly annoying to say the least. But it did pay nice so he guessed it could be worse.

'Ya know you are second in command all it would take would be a little accident.'

Ben shook his head.

'Don't acknowledging him don't-'

'To late buddy!'


"Hey Ben wake up ain't the time to be nappin."

Ben snapped out of his trance by his boss snapping in front of him.

"Oh uh s sorry sir." Ben stuttered fixing his glasses.

Now if you asked him he'd deny it. But his Warden was pretty abusive. He yelled at Ben constantly, called him names, and more often then not hit Ben. Ben never report any of this cause he wanted to keep his job.

"Ah no harm done just try to keep awake got it?" He patted/smacked Mr. Rays on the back.

Ben let out a grunt but kept himself still.

"I got a job for you buddy think you can do it?"

"Well um sure what's the job?"

"Oh simple, I know your well on your way on finishing college so why not a little extra work." Ben's boss winked.

Ben gulped oh god.

"I need to leave town on account of work." He pointed to himself.

He then leaned in and pushed his finger against Ben's chest.

"You can run this place while I'm away."

Ben stared wide eyed.

"R really me sir?"

"Why of course I can' trust any of my staff to run this place. So what do ya say care to do a little extra work."

"Y yes sir!"

"Good you'll start on Monday."

Mr. Rays took to this Warden thing quickly and the staff were glad they had real work to do. On some days Rays sometimes made the occasional mistake or did something a little wrong. But he learned over time he started to really show his worth. After a few weeks a new patient arrived. Just like all the others except this one was purple.

Mr. Rays stood in shock at his file. They had no idea how his skin was like this. All they knew was he was afraid of needles and he hated kids. Wow a kid killer what a surprise. Ben sighed shacking his head. This was nothing to worry about.

But for some reason everytime he saw this new patient (patient 87) he couldn't help but feel disgusted. His milk white eyes were bland an clouded. No iris, no pupil he should be blind yet he could see fine. He amazed the staff but Rays was truly annoyed. He wasn't sure why though. Maybe it was his improbability? Or maybe it was the purple skin? But that hardly mused him. Just another patient he told himself.

But this new patient was the least of his problems. His boss was coming back in a few days and god Mr. Rays did not want to go back to his old job. But he knew as soon as his boss came back he'd go back to being an secretary. He sighed pacing his office.

'Ya know we could ya know get rid of him.'

'No no we couldn't.'

'Why ya scared?'

'No! It's wrong!'

'Who the fuck cares about wrong in this town!'

'I do!'

'Come on, it would only take a little push.'

'We would get caught!'

'Not if you let me take control.'

'W what?'

'Just let me do it tomorrow night and I promise you we will never get caught.'

'Why would you want to help us.'

'Simply because it's US and I'm fed up with staring at dead screen.'


Mr. Rays felt surprisingly a lot better knowing his problem was going to be taken care of. Even if it was in a more 'violent' manner.

That night something strange happened. When Dr. Smiles took control he left something with Mr. Rays.

A preposition, all Mr. Rays had to do was give just a little bit of control and all of his problems would go away.

Of course one murder wouldn't be enough. Of course Dr. Smiles wanted more. But Mr. Rays couldn't deny he liked the change. So he agreed...

That was when Mr. Rays became Dr. Rays.

(Ta da I know I haven' been updatin tis story and a lot of people probably lost interest in it but I just had talked get tis out. Keep yer smiles)

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