♢ Intro ♢

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  Everybody says that Pink Diamond smelled like strawberries, and that her hair was the softest of all of the Diamonds.

  I must've inherited those attributes from her. Yellow says I smell like strawberries, Blue says I'm as sweet as she was, and White says I have hair that's just like hers.
I was kept on earth by my dad, for he feared that if I was sent to Homeworld, I would die.

I haven't yet, which is surprising.

I went back to Homeworld because he told me about these 'Crystal Gems' and that they're dangerous.

He said they would capture me on the spot if they found me.

We don't want that.

  Anywho, I'm Marina. Daughter of Pink Diamond and j7–or Jay, as she called him.

He doesn't know perfect English, but he's okay.

I'm not fully Human, but that's okay.

I'm being pressured into ruling Earth...

is that okay..?

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