chapter five

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Hey guys, well I wanted to say you should vote and comment about the two death on teen wolf. Also recommend this story to your readers or friends! ~Cara :)

~Kat's point of view~

"DEREK THAT IS THE BIGGEST LIE YOU HAVE EVER TOLD ME! YOU KNEW I WAS THERE AND YOU PORPOSELY KISSED HER! ERICA IS DEAD TO ME." I screamed knowing issac, scott, allison, stiles and lydia heard me. I screamed so loudly Erica could probably hear me!

"What do you want from me? You went aganist my orders." Derek whispered. That was so stupid im not a child. he doesn't have to protect me.

"I'm not a fucking child anymore. I'M A FUCKING ALPHA DEREK! You dont need to protect me from everything. I didn't even bring it up, Stiles did." I yelled there was no point in arguing. he killed the kind, nice,sensitive kat. I was beyond done with Derek and his over possessive, selfish ass.

"You killed the kind, nice, sensitive kat. If you even want my forgiveness, you have to prove to me you deserve it." I said. I felt darkness take over. I thought id hit the floor but I never did.

~Derek's point of view~

Days later

"SCOTT!" I yelled

"HURRY SCOTT!" I yelled agian. Ugh! I have to beat Isaac in winning Katalina's heart not that I would EVER say that out loud. I don't do mushy gushy feelings. well not ever since kat leaving and paige dying. I remember the dance before kat left. She was at my house while my sisters were helping kat get ready.


I wanted to see Kat but my sisters would not budge while getting Kat ready. All I kept hearing was aws and my mother tell Kat she looked gorgeous. I was anxious waiting to see her. I had always been drawn to the hazel eyed beauty. She was such a mystery and to think now she still is a mystery.
Kat walked down the stairs in a tight black dress that went a few inches above her knees. she was wearing black heels that made her legs look miles long and her hair feel down the middle of her back in soft curls. She didn't have much make up on but she looked beautiful like always. I always knew kat would be gorgeous when she was older. I always had it in the back of my mind that I wanted her to be my girlfriend. My father treated Kat like she was his daughter. He was as protective of Kat like he was my sisters. He was their for her when her first boyfriend broke up with her. I was so jealous when they started dating I couldn't help but be happy when they broke up but I still comforted her when she was sad. Then her aunt and uncle died and she left. She left me...


Scott was just staring at me.

"What!?" I asked scott.

"You were staring off into space." He replied

"Oh...I was thinking about kat before she had disappeared. She has always been beautiful. She never bragged about being pretty. She was always nice to everyone. She was friend with everyone. She had no emenies. She was definitely the most popular girl in school. She never talked ill of anyone. She was practically an angel sent from heaven above." I state as i remembered how sweet she was.

"She's still that person she just feels rejected. she feels hopeless. She thinks you don't care about her. You need to visit her again. I will help you. If you want." Scott tells me. he's probably right as it is.

"How do you plan to help me?" I ask



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