chapter eleven

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hey lovely readers. I would appericated if you guys voted, commented and fan. Enjoy what I wrote. Its a bit of filler but I promise it will get better.  I find of lets you know what is going on.

~Kat's point of view~

"Hey Kat! What have you been up too since I spoke to you last?" Scott ask. Well he kind of acting strange and I smelt Derek's scent. I wonder if Derek has been secretly keeping an eye on me. I still feel like shit for breaking up with him but it's gotten better. When I say better I actually mean that I getting used to the pain in my chest that feels like a ten ton pile of bricks.

"Um...I have been hanging out with Stiles and your mom. I spoke to Allison yesterday. She keeps asking me what I want to do for my birthday next month." I tell him.

"Are you okay with the whole Derek thing?" He ask. well no but I'm going to say yes anyways.

"Um. yeah." I try to sound convincing but I am failing miserably.

"Oh...okay. Well you see I kind of informed him that you only broke up with him because you wanted to keep him safe." He rambles. DAMN IT SCOTT.

"WHY?" I yell at him.

"He asked why you broke up with him. He looked so sad and I felt bad. Then he said you broke up with him for another guy. He probably asumed it Stiles or Issac that stole you from him. So than he called you a dumb slut. Just know he was more than likely drunk off his ass. That mad me make so I kind of blow up and spilled everything. I couldn't help it. You're like a sister to me and I don't like when people talk shit about you. I'm so sorry!" He says so fast that it jumbles together and i can hardly understand him.

"It's okay. You couldn't help and I'm okay with that." I tell him.

"Well since your okay with the fact that I told Derek. He gave me something to give to you." He informs me and gets up and goes outside.

He comes back inside and give me one of Derek's shirts and his cologne.

"He said that he understands why you broke up with him and he gave me these items. Also I gave him your scarf and perfume. Sorry." He tells. Wait..he gave him the one I left in his car.

"He also said that you should stay with him at night. So that your wolf and his wolf stay strong." He tells me.

*Text sent from kat and derek*

K: Der bear, i'm still so sorry.I agree that we stay together at night. Love you.

D: Katalina, I know. I will be at your house tonight. See you soon. I love you.

*End of texts*

He said I love you! That's the first time. I start jumping up and down like a child during christmas. Scott stares at me like i'm crazy. Then suddenly the doorbell rings.


"Hey, I hadn't seen you in a few days so I decided to pop in." She replies. Stiles goes to chill with Scott. I quickly bring to my room to explain all that have in the last few days.

*Upstairs in kats room*

"Well, Derek and I broke up. Than today he texted me telling me that he loved me and that I would be seeing him tonight." I tell her.

"OH MY GOD! THAT'S GREAT!" Allison screams. The boys run and brust through the door.

"WHAT'S WRONG! WE HEARD SCREAMING!" They yell simaltanously. We just bust out laugh and than order take out and watch the interveiw on netflix. It was hilarious.

"Thanks for dinner K. But we got to run. see you tomorrow." They say and allison winks at me.

*Later that evening*

I had just gotten out of the shower and got dressed.

*Explicit scene on seperate story. Go check it out if you're at least 17*

*Next Morning*

What the... I try to get up but I feel a heavy arm across my waist. I look over at derek. As soon as I got his arm off of me. I went to go to the bathroom.

"What the fuck?" I yelled. There's mate's mark on the space between my neck and shoulder. It is beautiful though. It looks like to wolves howling at the moon and our intinals below it.

"What's wrong babe?" Derek ask.

"What's wrong? What's wrong is that you marked me!" I exclaim to him.

"I like it." He says as he kisses the mark which makes me unvolunteerly shiver.

"Of course you do!" I say as I hit him.

"If it makes you feel better, you marked me first." He says. WHAT!

"I said you marked me first." He says.

"Did Isay that out loud?" I ask

"No but you thought and haven't blocked me from your mind yet." He responds

"When I said what I meant like did I really inuiate that mating process." I inform him. I want cry.

"Yes you did. I was quite impressed." He says.

"We mated. OMG! I could be fucking pregnant because we mated! You idiot." I yell at him.

"It's okay. I would be okay with that." He says. I just glare.

"I will be going into heat soon and geuss what?" I say.

"What?" He says

"Scott and Issac will be all over me as well as every other male werewolf. possibly even humans." I inform him.

"No they fucking won't." He yells. I flinch away.

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