Part one; what makes you beautiful

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"I'm off, Daniel!" I shouted up the stairs. All of a sudden my husband poked his head around the Living Room door, surprising me as I suspected he was in the bathoom.  

"Alright love, what time will you be in tonight?" he asked, pulling me into a firm hug and holding my waist lovingly. Watching his dark, questioning eyes, I bit my lip, unsure of what would be happening after work later. 

"About 7 ish." I replied, kissing him quickly on the cheek as I pulled my coat off the bannister. I was late for work as it was, without any other distractions preventing me from entering the car. 

"Okay, I'll see you later."  

I smiled one last time, before flinging the door open and slamming it unintentionally behind me. I turned to see Daniel still stood behind the frosted glass in the hallway, and I couldn't help but giggle as he waved like a child from the house. I waved back, grinning stupidly.

Daniel and I had recently married on the beach in the Dominican Republic. Things hadn't been the same since we'd moved in together, though. Our once flourishing relationship seemed to have taken a turn for the worst. Marriage wasn't the same as having a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong. I loved Daniel with everything in my being, but there just wasn't the same spark between us that had been there before. Things were a lot more predictable. It was like we were already an old married couple, despite the fact that neither one of us had even reached our thirties yet.

As I strolled down the garden path and made my way towards the car, I got in with a sigh, adjusting my hair in the rectangular mirror which hung casually above the black dash board. Switching on the radio with my forefinger, music from Radio 1 blasted through my speakers. Daniel could probably hear it as I pulled away and headed towards the town centre in a bit of a rush.

I worked in an office- not the most exciting of jobs. I'd only been working there since Daniel and I had married, due to the fact he had been made redundant and at least one of us needed to pay the bills.

"Next up, we're going to play an oldie. You'll have to guess what year this next track is from." the radio host announced. I laughed, thinking it would be some timeless hit from the 80's. Turning the volume down a little, I focused on the road that was rolling out in front of me as I pulled out of town and headed down the busy road.

'Dun, dun dun, dun, dun, dun dun. You're insecure, don't know what for-' 

"Oh my god!" I squealed, quite shocked as I hadn't heard this song in a long while. I couldn't resist turning up the dial to full blast, until my ear drums were practically splitting from the volume. Tears pricked in my eyes as memories from my teenage years suddenly hit me; my twitter friends, the constant fangirling... One Direction.

One Direction were a band that I was once completely obsessed with. I followed them everywhere. Completely dedicated to them, I had bought every single one of their albums, not forgetting all of their merchandise, tour tickets, and little cards and presents for their birthdays. I'd tweeted them so many times, but I'd never been one of the lucky girls that they'd noticed enough to retweet them, or even send a direct message to them.

I was still crying like a complete fool as the song finished. Soon enough I had pulled up in usual parking space in the mutistory carpark.

A small smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, and I began crying again. My vision blurred as I pulled the key out of the ignition, thus turning off the engine.

I pulled my limp body out of the car and headed around the other side to grab my stuff. I pushed the door shut half heartedly and shoved the key into the lock, turning it left and then right again in order to lock the silver car. My mind was running wild as I headed towards the large staircase, the sound of my heels clicking against the concreate caused a slight echo through the almost empty carpark.

The Consequence [Zayn Malik] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now