Part seven; typical

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My eyes darted open as the alarm clock sounded from across the room, and I jumped out of bed almost instantly to turn it off. I realised after waking up properly that Daniel wasn’t in his usual place in the bed beside me to my left. He’d probably left for work early in order to get away from me.

Daniel hadn’t spoken to me since I got in last night, as I had gone straight to bed. I could no longer be bothered to argue with him, as whatever I said seemed to get me into even more trouble and would begin yet another lousy argument. I decided to leave things to cool down until he was ready to speak to me again, which would probably be quite a long time, as Daniel could hold grudges for days. Once, I had eaten the last slice of bread out of the packet and he didn’t speak to me for hours… Yes, he was a bit of a drama queen.

I grabbed something to wear that was appropriate for work and headed into the bathroom for a shower. As I slipped my clothes off quickly, I was greeted by unexpected freezing cold water. Looking at the dial, the water should have been boiling hot.

“Arrghh! Fuck!” I screamed as the water sent shocks through my body. I jumped out of the shower immediately, only leaving my hand under the shower head to see if the water warmed up at all. Of course, It didn’t.

“Typical.” I moaned as I pulled a huge black towel around myself. Trudging out of the bathroom, soaking wet and in a foul mood, I caught sight of a piece of paper that had been abandoned on the stairs. Due to the fact that my house was typically in a decent state and this was a little out of the ordinary, I picked it up curiously, not sure whether it was just an old receipt that had fallen out of my dressing gown pocket earlier.

-You’ve probably noticed already, but I’ve gone to work a bit early. If you’re wondering why my stuff is gone, it’s ‘cause I’m staying at my brother’s for the weekend. I’ll be back Monday afternoon. D.

Re reading the note several more times, I sighed, throwing it back onto the floor. The bastard couldn’t even be bothered to say goodbye to me in person, which was also typical of Daniel. He was such a coward at times. Sometimes I felt as though my fist should embrace his face.

I sucked in a massive gulp of oxygen before heading back into the large pink bedroom to get dressed. It didn’t take me long to sort out my hair, but it looked slightly grubby as it desperately needed washing; due to the shortage of warm water, it didn't look as though it would be getting washed any time today. Large purple circles also outlined my usual bright blue eyes. Today they were dull, which was a sign that I wasn’t in the best of moods. I managed to apply the rest of my lipstick without bringing down my appearance too much. Checking the clock once more, I decided it would be best to at least have something to eat before I left for work. It was quite a long drive, which would mean I’d have to spend several more hours alone before receiving any company.

My phone flashed again, which annoyed me as I was trying to wallow in self pity. However, being her usual optimistic self, Becky’s name and number glared brightly at me from the dressing table, almost as if she knew I needed cheering up. I decided to read her text, hoping that it wouldn’t bring me anymore bad news.

-Hey, there’s a few rumours going around at work.. Are they true? Xx

I should have known, of course Zayn wouldn’t be able to keep things to himself. I couldn’t help grimace as I remembered the state that I had been in the previous night, but still I managed to pick my phone up without throwing it at the wall in front of me in anger.

-I don’t know.. What’s been said? Xx

I replied to the message as quickly as I could, as I wanted the low down on what rubbish had been flying around at work. My phone pinged loudly for the second time this morning, but my hands were still shaking violently from the adrenaline that was rushing through my veins. I was furious; didn’t anything stay private nowadays?

-Apparently someone said they saw you going into Zayn’s house last night.. They said you didn’t leave until late, so they assumed you.. Well, you know… xx

My head dropped as I placed the phone back on the surface of the mahogony dressing table. I couldn’t go into work whilst everyone was talking about my private business. I was never any good at denying the truth; everyone would see straight through me.

I didn’t even bother replying as I made my way downstairs, leaving my phone on the dressing table. I didn’t want anymore contact until I made it into work.

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