Part ten; secrets

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Zayn stood in the hallway, not attempting to leave as him and Daniel stood staring at one another. I could hardly blink as I was afraid of missing something incase one of them lashed out at the other.

"Zayn, I think you should go..." I breathed, grabbing his coat quickly from the hook and shoving it into his arms. Daniel made no attempt to shout abuse at Zayn as he left the room like I had first expected, but only spat disgustedly in his direction. I gave him the death stare, instantly losing any remainder of respect for Daniel that I once had.

Zayn left quietly and shut the door behind him gently, attempting to exchange a glance with me as he did so; my eyes could only wander back to Daniel though. His face was pale and lifeless, and looked as though he had little energy to speak or even stand up.

"I better get the rest of my things." he whispered, just loud enough so I could hear. I wasn't shocked that he was leaving, if anything I was slightly relieved that he had clearly made a decision on what to do next.

"But, where will you go?" I asked as Daniel approached the stairs slowly. His fingers were wrapped around the varnished bannister as his neck slowly twisted so he could face me.

"I don't know, probably back to my brother's." he declared, a tear rolling down his cheek before he climbed the stairs solemnly. Suddenly my eyes were filling up in a rush, the first few tears falling to the ground in an instant. The house was so silent that the drop of water from my eyes almost made a huge splashing sound, like an ocean crashing against a huge rock on a windy day.

I didn't bother going after Daniel- I knew he felt sick to the stomach as he looked at me with his dark brown eyes that usually glittered happily.

Unaware of the fact it was even in my pocket, my phone buzzed loudly, making me jump out of my skin as it continued to ring. Pulling it out from my pocket, my stomach was almost launched out of my mouth as Zayn's number appeared on the screen.

Sliding my finger across the iPhone's screen in order to retrieve the call, I held my phone up to my ear and listened, not wanting to be the first one to speak.

"Sophie?" Zayn asked, confirming that I was actually on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, it's me."

"Oh good. Are you alright?"

'What a stupid question' I thought to myself as my jaw clenched in anger.

"Of course I'm not fucking okay." I spat through gritted teeth. My stomach was in a mess of knots as I could hear Zayn sighing down the phone.

"Sorry. That was a ridiculous question; pretty inconsiderate of me." he stated, sounding as though he was hitting something as I could hear something smash faintly in the background.

"What was that?" I asked, not really interested in what it was anyway.

"Err, nothing." Zayn muttered. Again I heard the sound. "Sorry I've got to go, I'll see you later, bye."

The line was suddenly dead, the only noise evident was the dialling tone.

Shaking Zayn's weird behaviour off, I placed my mobile on the side and headed into the Living Room. Sitting down, I caught sight of something unfamiliar sitting on the rug as I grabbed the remote and pointed it towards the TV.

Pulling myself up from the couch, I stumbled over to the middle of the room and picked up what appeared to be a wallet. It defiantly wasn't Daniel's once I opened it to reveal an ancient picture of One Direction at the Brit Awards.

The Consequence [Zayn Malik] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now