Toshiro x self harm reader

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Anime: Bleach


This chapter will contain self harm as you can see in the title. Please be aware that self harm isn't a good thing.

You sighed as you sat at your desk finishing off the rest of your daily paperwork. "..." you said nothing your eyes a dull and lifeless (e/c). Yes you were a soul reaper. Yes you were in the tenth division. You were one of its hard workers unlike that Rangiku. "(Y/N)!!!!!!" Speak of the devil.

You sighed slowly looking up from your papers as your door slammed open revealing Rangiku who held a bottle sake. "Rangiku-San....isn't it a little too early in the day to be drinking?" You asked sighing as you placed your pen down. Rangiku only laughed as she went over to your desk.

"Nah~ come on (Y/n)~ you're so uptight~" she laughed leaning against the desk. You only sighed rubbing your temples. "Honestly. I'm too busy for messing around." You grumbled. Rangiku glanced over at you her expression changing.

" know I read your file." She spoke. You froze your eyes narrowing slightly. "Look (y/n). I get that your life was a hard one but that doesn't mean you had to-" Before she could finish you cut her off by slamming your fist against the desk. Rangiku flinched slightly taking a small step back.

"I think it's best if you went back to work Rangiku." You said coldly leaving out the San part. Rangiku didn't say anything else as she quickly ran out of the room leaving you alone. You let out a loud sigh as you held both sides of your head squeezing your eyes shut.

"Damn..." you whispered biting your lip. You knew Rangiku was terrible at keeping her mouth shut. "..." You silently went back to working on your papers your eyes still dull and lifeless. 'I just hope captain doesn't find out...' You thought your eyes showing hints of sadness.

~time skip~

Once you finished with your paperwork you walked down the halls of the tenth division towards your captains office. Once you reached the door to it you carefully knocked. "Come in." You heard your captains stressed and stern voice speak. You quietly opened the door bowing slightly.

"Sorry to disturb you." You said softly. This cause your captain Toshiro to look up a small smile appearing on his face. "No you're fine (Y/n)." He said placing his pen down. You quietly made your way over to his desk gently placing the paperwork down. "I finished all of today's paperwork captain." You said.

He nods his head in approval. "Thank you for your hard work today." He said. You nod your head though your eyes did travel over to the giant stack of paperwork on his left. "..." You didn't say anything though Toshiro did notice your gaze and sighed.

"That Rangiku....she left me with her work for the day." He mumbled annoyed. You flinched slightly feeling guilty. You knew that all of Toshiro's extra work was meant for you. "Sorry..." you whispered quietly. "Hm?" Toshiro hummed looking at you curiously.

You looked down quietly playing with your fingers. "That work was meant for me..." You admitted. "..." Toshiro didn't say anything causing you to think he was mad at you. "(Y/n)." He spoke causing you to jump slightly. You looked up at him expecting to be met with a glare be met with a soft smile.

"Have you been gifting any sleep lately?" He asked. You couldn't say anything only nod. "That's good. Go home and get some rest." He said going back to his work. You nod your head quickly making your way out of his office. You stood there a small blush on your cheeks.

' always smiling at me...' you thought brining a hand up to your heart. "..." you didn't say anything as you walked to your home silently. Once you stepped inside you were met with a cold and dark atmosphere. You walked through the dark hall passing the kitchen and your bedroom.

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