Yandere Naruto x reader part 1

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Anime: Naruto

Sorry it's late! I ended up sleeping through 2 days and then just took a break from being stressed out yesterday. I decided to make this into two parts because it ended up being very long! So enjoy part one!

You sat under a tree watching as the clouds moved in the sky. "There you are! I was wondering where you went!" A familiar voice called. You sat up and smiled when you saw Sakura waving to Yeah you. "Yeah sorry about that!" You said scratching the back of your head. She just smiled as she went and sat next to you. "You've been wandering off a lot lately. Kakashi-sensei and the others are worried about you." She said.

"Ah...sorry about that I didn't mean to worry anyone." You said looking down with a conflicted look in your eyes. Sakura saw this and titled her head. "Is something wrong?" She asked. You glanced over at her and let out a small sigh. "Well...lately I've noticed that someone's been stalking me." You whispered holding one of your arms. "What?! Really?!" She asked surprised. You just nod your head.

"Everyday I feel their eyes on me and I've even been getting strange...letters and gifts at my house." You said shivering at the memory. Sakura went and placed a hand on your shoulder causing you to look over at her. "Don't worry I'll tell Kakashi-sensei and the others about it! I'm sure they can help catch that creep!" She said holding a fist up. You just looked at her and smiled nodding your head.

"Yeah thank you!" You cheered happily. After that the two of you made your way to the training grounds where you saw Sasuke and Naruto throwing Kunai at targets. "Sensei I found her!" Sakura called getting everyone's attention. You just followed along still holding your arm. "Good work Sakura." Kakashi said standing up and walking over to you both.

"(Y/n) you'll be having a punishment for skipping out on training." He said looking down at you. You just nod your head. "Yes I understand sensei." You said softly. "(Y/n)! I was really worried about you!" The voice of your childhood friend called. You looked and saw Naruto running towards you happily hugging you. "Sorry Naruto." You apologized hugging him back. He just laughed.

Sasuke made his way towards you as well. He glanced down seeing you still holding your arm. "Are you injured?" He asked seriously his eyes locking with yours. You blushed at this before avoiding eye contact. "N-no I'm fine." You whispered softly. He just nods his head. Naruto who was still hugging you ended up tightening his grip to the point it hurt.

"N-Naruto you're hurting me." You whined. "Ah! Sorry!" Naruto cried quickly pulling away from you. You just smiled at him while Sasuke called him an idiot. "Kakashi-sensei we have something important to talk about." Sakura said getting everyone's attention. You listened as Sakura explained your situation to the team. "I see. That is concerning." Kakashi mumbled in thought. "I'm sorry for not telling you..." You whispered sadly. "I just didn't want anyone to get hurt..." You said looking down.

Sasuke walked in front of you and pinched your cheeks roughly causing you to whine. "Sasuke! That hurts!" You cried. "Baka. Rely on your team." He growled glaring at you. "I will! I will! Please stop!" You cried. He just sighed letting go of your cheeks. You went and rubbed them until the stinging went away. "Are you ok (Y/n)?" Naruto asked walking over to you.

"I'm fine! The stinging went away!" You said smiling at him. He just smiled at this as he went and cupped your cheek causing you to look at him surprised. "Good...I don't want you to get hurt believe it." He said. 'Huh?' You thought. 'For some reason...Naruto looks really scary.' You thought. It felt like a dark aura was coming from Naruto. "Alright we'll start taking watch of (Y/n). One of us will be with her each night and try to catch this stalker is that understood?" Kakashi said looking at everyone.

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