:Chapter 10:

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I couldn't get my mind off of what Isabella had told me about the rogue attacks being around when her parents died. Two days had passed yet my mind was still on it. 'Wouldn't shock me. You don't like being in the dark.' Well that was some what true. Isabella never talked about her parents death much. Did she even know much about what had happened.

Would rogues even just randomly attack a hunter family especially such a feared hunter family. So I didn't know everything about The Hunter's Organization but I knew some. There were hunter families that had been working for a long time and the Knights was one of them. 'Isabella's family legacy? Maybe we could look into it.' That could hold a clue to the rogues. 'Maybe we could use Nico's detective skills.' We could.

Nico had always loved a good mystery so much he was gonna be a private investigator. He'd be the best kind the ones that knew about the supernatural world. Not all the PI's knew about the supernatural world so the cases got hard. But that's when The Hunter's Organization would usually step in. 'Isabella.' I shook my head as I laid in bed. 'Valentine's day isn't that far away we should go get things instead of laying here on your lazy ass.'

Groaning I pushed myself out of bed deciding to listen to Ash. It took about two minutes to make myself look presentable before going downstairs. At the couch was my Mom and Dad along with Isaac. Mom's head rested against my Dad's shoulder while she cradled Isaac who was fast asleep. 'Its so cute.' "Mom I'm going out to buy some things." I told her. My Mom peeked up then nodded as I got my leather jacket. "Be careful honey." My Mom called out to me as I walked out and headed towards my Lamborghini.

After getting in I got out my keys and started it up before checking for my wallet which was there. Looking back I pulled out of the driveway before driving off to Walmart.
I stood in the Valentine's day section of Walmart. I only had to buy Isabella something since I had ordered things online for my brothers with my Mom. I had so far gotten a Whitman's bar for Isabella plus a heart box full of chocolate. Now I was getting her a stuff animal. I just couldn't decide what to get her. 'A life sized version of me.' Yeah no. 'You are no fun.' I try sometimes.

Ash huffed as I sorted through the small and large stuff animals trying to find something. There was mostly teddy bears here with some cats and dogs. But none of the dogs Isabella would like. Then there was elephants and giraffes. 'There is a Rottweiler if Isabella likes that.' 'Maybe but lets keep looking.' I continued digging through passing a few horse stuff animals.

I continued looking and a large black fuzz caught my attention so I began unburying it while glancing around me letting my nostrils flare here and there. Hey I was just being cautious. Last time this happened exactly almost a year ago I was attacked by Vee a psychotic Helkin. I wasn't gonna let anything get the upper hand this time. I learned my lesson over the year with Isabella. I couldn't believe I have known Isabella for over a year. Time just flies sometimes.

Soon I had unburied the black stuff animal and pulled it out to examine it. I let out a sigh as Ash broke out in hysterics. 'In your face Dalton!' In my hands was a large black wolf with golden eyes almost a replica of Ash. It wasn't a as big as Ash and had a red heart on it's side but it was still a black wolf with gold eyes. 'Come on you got to get it for Isabella. Please!' Ash then began begging me to get it. 'If I say yes will you shut up?' 'Yes.' 'Then we'll get it.' Ash let out sorta yips of excitement.

Adjusting the items in my arms I walked off to the checkout wondering what Isabella would think of her gifts. I hope she liked them. Well I knew she'd like the chocolate, Isabella loved chocolate after all. It took maybe five minutes to get everything checked out before I was walking out with the Valentine's candy plus a diet Dr. Pepper soda to drink. Arriving in front of my car I hit unlock and opened the passenger side and stored the items inside with a small smile on my face. 'I can't wait to see Isabella's smile when she sees the wolf stuff animal.' Me too.

Just as I was about to get into the front seat my werewolf hearing that was on high picked up something suspicious. "I bet the hunters are behind the ex pack doctor going missing." A rough voice said. Rogues. I pressed myself into my car then began suppressing my scent so they couldn't smell me and then have a fight on hand. "Wouldn't shock me those hunters think they are so powerful. Look what happened to the Knight family all of them slaughtered except for one." One said with a cackle.

Now that made me angry but sorta happy. They were idiots only Isabella's parents died. Her brothers were big Lycans with anger issues. 'They are dead meat.' 'Ash we can't attack them we are outnumbered. Just eavesdrop on them then report to Isabella.' Ash grumbled but didn't argue. "You know what I say." The one with a high pitched voice said. "What?" Rough voice said. "We go pay these hunters a visit and get the guy back." High pitched said before cackling.

"We'll pass it to the Alpha. But if we do get to do it, I say we attack that bitch first. I can't stand the Knight family. Thinking they are so big and bad." Rough said with a growl. Ash began growling and I nearly let out a growl at that. They had just threatened my mate. It took every ounce of control to turn around and get into the car. I just wanted to shift and kill those rogues and make them know pain like no other.

'Why can't we. I am dying to show them who's a real Alpha.' 'We can't. We have to warn Isabella.' Ash didn't argue at that as I started up my car before driving away. I passed the rogues who were cackling like hyenas and gave them a death look. I wanted to get out and attack them with no mercy and show them were rogues like them belonged when it came to Alphas. But I didn't because I already knew what their future would be full of. It didn't involved claws and canines though.

It involved a silver bullet in between their eyes.

1142. Ah Dalton went all possessive. So today I will try to get at least 2-3 chapters up then the Valentine's special for tomorrow. I got an early Valentine's gift it was a Rottweiler. I like Rotties they are cute. At the training place there is usually two Rottweiler's, Gitcha and Staisa, short for Anastasia. Until next time my Rottweiler marshmallows.

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