:Chapter 24:

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I never minded hotel rooms much but I was defiantly minding them now. Being coped up in one room while waiting for an answer. 'This was not thought through.' 'Millionth time telling me this.' I took in a deep breath before looking at the suite where Isabella was laying down. "Isabella!" I called out. The door opened and Isabella peeked out. "Yeah?" Isabella asked. "I'm gonna go for a run." I told her.

Isabella nodded. I smiled at her before walking out of the hotel suite. I went down the stairs and headed out towards the woods. The smell of the woods whelmed in my nose making me smile. I loved the woods and missed the woods back at home. 'We just need a big deal breaker on what this is then home sweet home.'

I stripped myself of my clothes before going behind a tree. I let the shift take me as the wolf pushed out. In about one minute a large black wolf stood in my place. The stale smell of rogues still was in the air. I shook it off before stretching my limbs and casting a glance at where Isabella was. Ash and I were both hesitant to leave her here without us. She didn't know these woods very well. But she was a hunter, she would be fine.

I turned around and tore off through the woods. 'I miss the run sometimes.' I didn't reply simply continued to let my paws hit the tough dirt. My claws made marks in it but I didn't care. I hated being copped up and running released that feeling. My paws dug into the ground as I followed the scent of a hare. I wasn't in the mood for a deer or anything but a hare would suit the bloodlust for now. 'I wonder what kind of hares are native to mass.?' I shrugged before bringing my nose to the ground to get the scent.

I found the scent of the hare almost instantly making me wag my tail as my predatory instincts came out. The hare was close. I began tracking the hare to a spot near a frozen pond. It was eating some leaves. I crouched down behind the bush near the hare. The hare continued to eat but then it's nose twitched. It looked around. The hare knew a predator was around. I gave the reins to Ash who was a very good hunter. Ash got up and slowly stalked around.

Just as the hare was about to flee the scene Ash charged out of the bush and grabbed the hare by the neck and snapped the neck ending it's life quickly. Ash tightened the grip on the hare and trotted off to a further site before he dropped the hare. The sight was close to the hotel. 'To make sure nothing happens to Isabella while we eat.' In wolf form we could process raw meat but not in human form. That was one of the few times we could get sick. Andrew use to do that on purpose to miss school.

Ash tore into it's belly and took out the organs piece by piece until it looked like a massacre had happened. Ash dove into the breast first tearing off the meat from that. He then licked some of the organs before going for the leg meat. Soon Ash had polished the rabbit leaving the organs for the scavengers. Ash stood up and shook his fur before giving me back the reins.

'Dalton?' It took me a moment to see who was mind-linking me. 'Yes Nico.' I replied back. 'Oh I came to see how you and Isabella are doing. Mom wanted me to.' Nico replied. 'Mhm.' I replied. 'I'm also bored out of my mind?' Nico said with a huff. 'Why?' I asked. 'Angel is at speech therapy so we can't run until after that. Andrew and Orchid are spreading hormones in the living room.' Nico said with a huff. I laughed through our link. 'It's not funny.' Nico replied. 'Just a little bit.' I told him.

'So how is everything going. Anything discovered?' Nico asked. 'We encountered some rogues. I killed a few and Isabella finished the rest off.' I told him. Yeah those rogues were in pieces with bullet holes in them after Isabella and I were through with them. 'Makes me proud.' 'Interesting. Any theories yet with the rogues?' Nico asked. I could hear the curiosity in Nico's mind. He was always a fan of mysteries so much he was gonna be a private investigator.

'Well Isabella is still thinking it over but I believe these rogues have some beef with Isabella.' I told Nico. Nico growled a little. Nico was Isabella's protector. A thing common with the Whitewolf. That next to faster healing and being more fast in general. I was a Blackwolf, I was more known for strength and things like that. 'Any ideas why they got beef with Isabella?' Nico asked. 'I don't know. Maybe some family member was killed. Isabella is a hunter.' I told Nico. Nico nodded and I didn't doubt that he was noting this down with the moments of silence.

'Have you guys decided when you are coming home. It's weird without you and your soft self around and Isabella's sarcastic self.' Nico said with a smirk. 'I am not soft.' I told him. 'Firm but gentle.' Nico said. 'We'll settle with that.' I told him. 'You have to admit it you don't have the whole alpha asshole attitude going on. It's weird especially since you are gonna be alpha.' Nico said. 'Are you saying I'm not fit for alpha?' I asked. 'No but you will defiantly be bringing a new dawn for the alphas. A change in the werewolf world that has been waiting to happen.' Nico replied.

I thought of that. A change in the werewolf world. There hasn't been any changes in centuries. You knew an alpha when you met one. They were domineering and hated being told no. My Father was like that, alpha through and through.  But the alpha's would protect their pack. They could sleep knowing they were safe with their alpha. 'They'll think of us like that to.' A change in the werewolf world. Maybe for the good. I smiled at that.

'Maybe my change will bring good.' I told Nico. 'That it will.' Nico replied no doubt a grin on his face. My brothers weren't like most brothers or sometimes other werewolf brothers. They weren't envious of my position of power. They supported me. Most people think werewolf alpha that it goes to the eldest. It didn't go to Rodney and he didn't care. He was still a vital part of the pack even if he wasn't alpha.

Black Crescent Moon wasn't your typical pack anyway. The Gamma and Delta didn't have any children so as procedure the alpha's children got those positions. Rodney was offered a position but he declined that. He wanted a position as a warrior though. Rodney enjoyed a good fight. Noah and Max they still didn't know what they wanted to do but Max was moon touched. Touched by the moon goddess. He had the marks on his body. Isaac. Well I didn't know about him yet but I felt as if he had a large role to be filled. He had hair growing.

My Mom told me I was still gonna be the alpha. Isaac didn't have a solid color. He had greys, browns, blacks, and whites. He'd be an interesting wolf. 'How's Isaac doing?' I asked Nico. 'Good. But he's a little brat. I was talking to him and he threw his food at my face and laughed.' Nico said sounding whiney. 'I'm not shocked.' I told him. 'So do you know when you guys are coming back?' Nico asked. 'I need something solid to go off of.' I told Nico. 'Then you'll be coming back?' Nico asked. 'Yeah.' I replied.

'Ok well I got to go now. I have to go to Angel's speech therapy.' Nico told me. 'Ok bye.' 'Bye.' The connection cut leaving me by myself. I stood up and headed towards the tree to go shift and get dressed. However I heard a large gasp from Isabella and then this weird scream. That sped me up fast as I shifted but on my pants then grabbed my clothes and sprinted towards the hotel.

1397. I am back! I started a new story that got my mind cleared and no longer stressed. I now know what I am doing. Something big will be happening in the next chapter. It's gonna be a huge plot twist. I hope. Until next time plotted marshmallows.

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