:Chapter 22:

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I had my nose against the cool smooth earth inhaling all the scents around me. Woods, some critters, Isabella, metal and a lot more. But that wasn't the scent I was looking for. I was looking for the stale scent of a rogue. 'We should head forward.' I followed Ash's commands. We were in the wild and Ash was at home here. I kept my nose to the ground.

Isabella caught up to me the scent pumpkins and cinnamon overwhelming me. I had Isabella's scent engraved and imprinted in my mind. Next to my family and close friends.  "Any luck yet?" Isabella asked looking at me. I shook my head before lifting my head up. A breeze went by and I inhaled it in and a tiny little bell rang inside me.

An old scent of stale and feral. No doubt a rogue. But it was old no doubt probably when they came here which was fine with me. It would still work. 'Want me to track it?' I let Ash come forward. Ash was an alpha but he was also good at tracking. We did train a lot though. I wouldn't be shocked if my Father was having more training with the rogue sightings.

We weren't worried of any rogue war brewing. You would be able to tell a war brewing and the energy around the building we had found wasn't a war energy. Ash let inhaled the scent before taking off after it. I heard Isabella yell for us to slow down as she ran after us. 'The downfalls to her not having a wolf form. But least Isabella is getting her cardio exercise in.' 'Mhm.'

I had talked to Lucas and Derik. Derik had gone back to his carefree self now that Red Claws was no longer breathing down his back. Derik's Father had been the alpha of Red Claws before it was attacked. Now it was reforming and they wanted Derik as an alpha and were going to extreme measures. But one of the Redwolf's had strong alpha blood and a mate with lung cancer. Isabella made a deal with them earning Derik his freedom from that. Derik was still regaining memory.

But they made it clear what Isabella liked and didn't liked. Isabella hated push ups but loved sit ups. She did from four hundred to eight hundred a day. She also did that whole run touch thing which she tolerated but she was not a big running or jogging fan. So Ash slowed down then sped up teasing Isabella. I could hear her mumbling profanities that our enhanced hearing picked up on. 'She is gonna be pissed when we find the place.'

Ash followed the scent at a trot. It got stronger and I began to assume there might be rogues around so Ash came to a halt. The scent was very strong right now. Isabella came up and got ready to say something but Ash nipped her right in the thigh. Then he let out a small warning growl to hush her.

Isabella rubbed the spot. 'I barely did anything.' Not all mates were all sweet and gentle and if they were it wasn't a proper relationship. Mates were meant to compliment each other but be able to keep each other on their toes. So Ash's nipping was barely anything to how rough werewolves could get. Blu and Jason got rough with each other but Blu was a warrior.

Ash sniffed again then a twig snapped catching Ash's attention. Ash looked at Isabella. 'I really wish I could mind-link her.' Yeah that'd be helpful. If we were to mark her there would be a chance of mind-link but I don't know.

Ash nudged Isabella before dropping to the ground and army crawling. Isabella nodded before she bent down and followed us. Least she understood to stay out of sight and quiet. Ash sniffed the air and brought some of his body up and lowly trotted as the scent got stronger. We stopped in front of the bushes. 'Rogues. Not some old trail anymore. I think we hit the jackpot.' Isabella dropped all the way to where our body was blocking hers.

Ash flared with pride at that. Isabella behind him as if his body was there to protect her. Ash peeked up and he had to swallow a growl back. A few rogues were there in human form and wolf form. Thankfully Isabella shared her scent numbing gummies. "I bet the little bitch offed them." A cocky blonde said. 'How dare he!' 'Ash calm down.' Ash repressed a growl.

"Little girls should just stay and behave." The blonde said. Isabella looked at me as she upholstered her gun. I shook her head to which she pouted but didn't shoot.  "I bet she'll wish that she had just submitted to that damn fire wolf." Another younger cocky rogue said.

Fire wolf? What the hell was a fire wolf? Isabella looked at me and I could see the rage on her face. She had took the safety off the gun and gave me the death look. Ash wanted to whine and let Isabella blow their brains out but we needed to know more. I took control and nipped her again earning another glare. 'We really need another way to get her to understand instead of the nip. I think she is gonna kill us.' 'Probably hurt nip us back in a weird way.'

A very scrawny man glared at the three. "Do not mock her. She is very feared." The man said. He had been a rogue for a long time. His wolf was probably falling apart at the edge. Mind slowly becoming a mindless thing of goop. "Did they find luck finding the rogue doctor?" Blondie asked. "No. We need him to make what he wants." The scrawny man said.

Well that was enough in my opinion. Isabella withdrew her other pistol and looked at me. I surprised at her and nodded making her smirk as her hands slid through our fur as she moved along. 'I want to tear into some rogues.' Isabella smirked before she stood up.

The rogues didn't notice so I came up next to her and Ash let the alpha roll off which defiantly caught their attention. They had the whole look of the cat who ate canary. The blonde growled and I could see his eyes go from gold to the murky brown. Danger to the world.

"Should of listened to anoriex wanna be over here. I am very feared. One of the best. I'm about to show how good I am," Isabella started as she approached them. They were quick to discard their clothes. "I'm gonna need to laser my eyes." Isabella said. "Should of been a good little girl." Blondie said before his bones snapped then a dirty blonde wolf appeared snarling. 'Asshole.'

At one point he might of been better but his ribs were beginning to show. It didn't take long until they all shifted. I came up next to Isabella and bared my teeth at them which simply pissed them off more giving me a satisfied feeling in me. Ash was smirking at the thought of them in between his teeth. I looked at Isabella who smirked as she cocked her gun.

"Also known as the vessel of Satan or Satan's Assassin." Isabella said a smirk evident. The wolves growled. 'Give em' hell.' Isabella smirked before she pulled the trigger and I struck.

So not three chapters sadly. But more will be published tomorrow. Hope you guys are enjoying. Wrote the last on my phone since my laptop was a jerk and died. Until next time duds marshmallows.

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