:Chapter 30:

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I was at the table sorting through the things we got from Isabella's old house. We had some books and the box. Isabella thought we would be able to open the box but it was locked. My claws wouldn't go in since the lock was silver and Isabella couldn't cut off the lock. She didn't want to shot it and risk destroying what could be in.

'Do you think Isabella will want to go back to find a key?' 'She might but lets just wait and see what will happen.' I was hoping a key might be in one of these books or something important. But if the box was that hard my pack or Isabella would know someone. "Did you grab anything else?" I asked Isabella glancing at her. "No. I might stop back there and grab something though." Isabella said.

'Told ya.' "Looking for they key?" I asked. "No but something of my mothers I want to grab. I saw it and meant to grab it but never did." Isabella murmured. "When are you gonna go get it?" I asked. "Before we leave which will be maybe tomorrow or the next day." Isabella said. I nodded. I wonder what it is of her mothers.

'Maybe a weapon?' That would be logical, her parents were hunters. She also did find those weapons that were in the closet. Isabella leaned back and simply just sorta sat there. She looked to be very peaceful. "What's the most dangerous thing you have ever hunted?" I asked wanting to know more about Isabella.

"I'd say right now but I'd be lying. I fought a berserker. Took me an entire day to kill that son of a bitch. I shot him and it didn't faze him. He fled and I tracked him through a desert area in Mexico. Worst time of my life. I hated it my bullets didn't faze him. I was just a beginner but I wanted to prove to the organization that I was not a force to be reckoned with. Killing a berserker would do that. I was still getting in control of my powers. I got some armor off of him. But he came at me but Satan stepped in and we lit the bastard up in flames. They aren't fire proof especially hell's flames." Isabella said with a grin. 'Well it's nice to know Isabella hunts dangerous things.'

I nodded mentally. "What about you?" Isabella asked. She was referring to hunting in my wolf form. "A moose. I thought I was taking it by surprise. The bastard took me by surprise. It nearly implanted Ash and I on it's antlers." I said now sorta finding the situation funny. 'It was a very embarrassing moment.'

Andrew and I had gone hunting together. We had venison before so I decided I wanted to expand. So I thought moose burgers. We have some moose around the place we lived since we border lined Canada. But I had gone on a hunt and I took the lead since I was the alpha of us. Andrew the omega. But he still had alpha blood. I had stalked the moose and struck if Andrew wasn't there I would of been hurt. 'He has alpha blood, always will so he will stick up for his twin.' 'I pity the foo that tries to mess with his future kids.'

Andrew would be having some hybrid pups. Half werewolf half witch. 'If we have children they'd be half human half werewolf.' I shivered at that. Isabella and I weren't even at the level, if I tried that she'd would beat me. But that'd be nothing compared to her psychotic Lycan brothers who had guns.

Isabella opened her eyes and got up. "I hate to admit it but I can't for school." Isabella said. "Been a crazy week." I murmured. "Amen." Isabella said. "What are we having for dinner?" I asked. Isabella shrugged. "I took out hamburger so I'll text my brothers to have Flimur give me his baked ziti recipe and see how you do." Isabella said. 'She is just determined now isn't she?' 'That she is.' Isabella walked away and into her room leaving me out here with my thoughts.

I decided to mind-link Andrew. 'Hey.' I mind linked Andrew. 'What the hell do you want you lazy ass loser?' Andrew asked. 'What crawled up your ass and died?' I responded back. 'Damn fucking status happened. Trace says one more thing and I'm gonna let Orchid hex him. She's been wanting to but I haven't let her.'

Trace, he was a warriors son. He was too big for his bridges. He thought it was fun to challenge me claiming me to be weak and not fit for the pack. He shut up and ran with his tail in between his legs when Ash came out to play. Ash was pure alpha at his finest. He was also terrified of Isabella. He thought since Isabella was human and my mate she'd be an easy target to get underneath my skin. Then she announced she was a hunter and no longer hid it.

'Anything you want me to do when I come back. I'm probably heading back tomorrow or the next day?' I told him. 'Nah. What happened?' Andrew asked. 'We went to Isabella's old place. Got some books and this old box of her parents. Also this sick sword.' I told him. 'Cool. Can't wait for you to come back. Weird without you not being around here.' Andrew told me.

'Same for me. I miss home. Don't tell anyone though I want it to be a surprise.' I told Andrew. 'Ok well I got to go. Orchid wants to go on a walk. I'll see you later. Bye.' Andrew told me. 'Bye.' Then the connection cut.

Isabella walked out of the room with her hunters journal in her hand along with a purple gel pen. She sat down in front of me and arranged the table that was covered in books. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting some information to write. I want to see what I can learn about werewolves and demons. I'm making a section on hybrids which is not a very well covered base." Isabella said. I scooted towards her. 'We get to help Isabella!' "I can help you. With the werewolf part of course." I told her.

"I'm working on anatomy." Isabella stated. "It's better to show you." I told her. As I got ready to shift Ash yanked me in and took control. He wanted to spend time with Isabella. I didn't complain, he could spend some time with her. Isabella shut her eyes as Ash shed off my clothes and let the shift takeover. When Ash was in control the shift went smoother since the wolf form was his form. This form was my form. Soon a black wolf with gold eyes stood in place.

Isabella smiled and got down on the floor. 'She loves it when we got to our wolf form. She loves on us. But she talks weirdly as if we are a baby.' She talked to us like she does a dog. Isabella reached out and smoothed out Ash's fur. "Sit." Isabella commanded. Ash's ears went back as he did his own glare. However he remembered what he was doing and sat down for her. Then went down.

Isabella sighed. Ash preferred to lay down then sit. Isabella picked up his paw and looked at it. She then pressed at it and Ash let out a whimper then a growl at Isabella. He was warning her. "Sorry." Isabella said. 'She probably thought claws would pop out.' 'My claws are always out I'm not a damn cat.' Ash however stopped complaining and let Isabella poke his black claws. Isabella continued to examine his paw before setting it down.

Then she grabbed his muzzle and pushed his upper lips up. Then she opened his jaw and poked his canines. Ash licked around his lips. 'This is weird. Why did you offer this?' 'I didn't think she'd be trying to be a dentist.' Isabella let our mouth rest and wiped the salvia off.

"Aren't you a cute wolfy." Isabella said in her weird voice as she grabbed Ash's cheeks. Ash stared at her unamused. 'She's doing it. The thing I do not like.' Isabella then began to pet him. She leaned in and hugged him. "Can you stay in this form forever?" Isabella asked. 'I want to tell her no.' Isabella then messed with his fur again. "You can't since you have school." Isabella mumbled. Ash decided he wanted to cheer her up. He whined and went underneath her arm and looked at her with a 'pet me' expression on his face.

I smiled at them. "I like your eyes. It looks cool." Isabella said. Ash bobbed his head in agreement. "Is your full name Ashton?" Isabella asked. Ash laid his ears back at her and shook his head. 'My name is simply Ash.' That's what my Mom's wolf named him. Wolves don't come with names, the parent names them. I got to fully meet Ash well have him when I shifted. 'I knew you the entire time.'

Isabella sighed and leaned back. "You and Dalton should help me more often." Isabella stated. She patted his head as she went down on the floor. Ash stared at her still laying up. He felt power since she was below him. It was a weird wolf thing. If you are below them they believe to be in control of the situation. Isabella sucked in breath as we simply laid there on the floor. Doing that until Isabella's phone dinged hinting I would be cooking soon.

1612. Hey so a longer chapter. I just felt in the mood for Satan's Secrets. The next chapter they are packing and heading back. It will be the packing, some action and then a reunion. Then it gets real good throughout the last chapters.

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