:Chapter 25:

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I sat there staring at the papers as I connected something together. 'What?' "Oh my god. Most of the victims are hunters." I said as I stared at my computer screen. Rogues targeted hunters. I threw my feet up in the air then got up on the bed and did a real weird victory dance. Just as I was about to finish the door flew open and there stood Dalton.

He wasn't fully dressed and his eyes were gold. I screamed and he just stopped as I went down onto the bed and steadied my laptop. "What happened?" Dalton asked. "I found a connection." I told him as I unplugged my laptop. "What?" Dalton asked. "All of the human victims are or were hunters." I told him as I picked up my laptop and showed him. "What do you think?" Dalton asked. "They were obviously hiding some information." I told him.

I knew how rogues and mass hunter murders went. There was one centuries again some rogues went after some hunters over a secret. I don't know what it was since no one survived the massacre, rogue or hunter. 'The night of the attack was the night you let me into your body.' I thought it over and laid down on the bed. "What do you think the hunters were hiding?" Dalton asked as he came to sit on the bed.

"It could be anything really. Some powers, a new weapon. Plans to destroy rogues. I wouldn't know." I told him. "Survivors?" Dalton asked. "Two. None will work. One has amnesia and is afraid of their own shadow." I told him. "The other one?" Dalton asked. 'Calm.' "Is me." I told him. Dalton went quiet and mumbled sorry. "And I don't no any secret. I was too young for my parents to share that with me." I muttered.

"How old did you have to be to get in with the jobs and hunter business?" Dalton asked. "Twelve to thirteen." I said. "Your brothers are four or three years older then you right?" Dalton asked. "Four." I mumbled. "You were eight almost nine nine years ago." Dalton said. I nodded. They were like in their twenties. "Your brothers were twelve." Dalton said. I went silent and thought it over before I was grabbing my new phone and unlocking it. 'Hurry. This is getting me on the edge of my seat. I must know what comes next.' I rolled my eyes at Satan.

I went through my contacts and hit Ryne before getting on the phone. Dalton exited the room to give me privacy to yell at my brother. It rang a few times before Ryne picked up the phone.

"Yes Isabella?" "Wanna answer a question." "What?" "What were the hunters hiding in the rogue attacks nine years ago." The line went quiet. "This isn't a good time to talk about it." "Why?" "I'm with someone." I stopped then smirked. "Your girlfriend."" A growl came from the phone. Perks of having a Lycan brother. "Isabella. When you get back I swear I will tell you what I need." "Promise." "Promise." "Be safe." "I'm in a room full of hunters and yes the once bitten." "Ok. Bye." "Bye."

Once bitten was the code name for the girl he had been hanging out with. Ex slave to some vampires. He may act like they are friends but I know they are more than that. Ryne hung up. 'Well that was a bummer besides Once Bitten.' I smirked at the girls nickname. I didn't call her that in front of her that would be mean. Dalton came back in.

"Anything?" Dalton asked. I shook my head. "He said he'd tell me when we got back." I said with a huff. Dalton bit back a smile making me glare at him. "What are we gonna do now?" Dalton asked. "I don't know about you but I'm gonna give myself a nice 1,000 calories ice cream sundae." I told him shutting my laptop and getting up. 'It's gonna be more admit it.' 'Yea.'

"Can I have one?" Dalton asked. I nodded. We went out and into the kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful. I went to the freezer and tugged it open. We had ice cream yesterday but who cares! I took out the three flavor ice cream. I got out some small candies and some whip cream with the hot fudge. I put the hot fudge in the microwave before getting out two large bowls. Dalton didn't even gawk. I got out four scoops for me and five scoops for Dalton. It was a cheat day for me. Fattening food all the way.

Dalton's excuse was he ate for two. I popped open the whip cream and squirted out a bunch until it covered the ice cream. I opened the M&M'S and poured them in. Then the recesses. The microwave beeped and I got out the hot fudge and poured some in. I used the hot fudge spoon. I put a cherry on Dalton's since he liked cherry's. I even cut up some bananas that I froze. Putting a spoon in for Dalton I handed him the bowl. 'Looks absolutely delish.' 'One of the few things I can make without Flimur's help.'

"Thanks Isabella." Dalton said with a grin as we went back to the table. "No problem. Todays a cheat day." I told him with a grin. "Anything you want me to cook?" Dalton asked. "Yeah I took out chicken for some chicken quesadillas." I told him. "Feels cool to almost be seventeen?" Dalton asked me. My birthday was in April. April first. I was a year younger than Dalton here who was eighteen. An adult. So was Andrew since they were twins.

I licked the hot fudge from my spoon and Dalton stared. I gave him a weird look. Dalton turned red and got to eating his ice cream. 'He found that hot and a tease.' 'Shut up Satan. Don't you have Lilith to go entertain.' Satan smirked at me. Then he left to go attend to Lilith's needs. I took a bite from my delicious ice cream and nearly moaned at the taste. Dalton and I ate our sundae with small talk here and there.

"Maybe we could leave soon since we found some big information." I told him. "Sure. If we get there by Sunday we don't miss much school beside this week that we missed and my mom is making a big dinner if you want to eat over." Dalton said. "Sounds like a plan." I told him with a grin. Dalton nodded.

It didn't take us long to polish our bowls. "I'm gonna go check the gas wanna come with me?" I asked him. Dalton nodded. I grabbed my pistol and put it in my denim jacket as we walked out into the nippy air. I looked at my mustang and Dalton and I went down the stairs and to my mustang. "I hope it's on full." I mumbled.

I stopped when I got into range of my car. Dalton sniffed the air and snarl emerged from his throat. My tires were slit with claw marks. "Rogues." Dalton said. "They know we know." I said staring at my trashed tire. I took my phone out and texted Ryne that my tires were trashed and to be on alert for rogues. He told me he'd invite some more people over specifically Orchid, Nico and Andrew which would come with Angel. Four werewolves, four hunters, two Lycans, a vessel of Lilith and a badass witch. Yeah if the rogues went there they'd be in for a ride. 'This is just great.' 'Yeah.'

"We're gonna need some tires." Dalton stated. I nodded. "I'll pay for them." Dalton said. I didn't argue but froze when I heard a twig snap. The stale scent filled the air. I got out my pistol and fired at the woods and earned a whine and I knew I hit the rogue. But not a kill since the stench went away. "Coward." I muttered. "Chase it?" Dalton asked. "No. I don't doubt someone is gonna be calling the cops. We'll wait for that." I said leaning against my car. Dalton nodded.

This just got a whole lot personal.

1369. Hey! This is gonna be a long A/N so prepare. I remember when I first started this series. I read a book that I thought was cool and I decided I wanted to write something besides a fanfiction. I wrote this. Some people accused me of plagiarism since it was similar to a book that inspired this. This book isn't plagiarism. No book has a plot like this. My plot is original. Two books inspired this. The Alpha's Possession and The Hunter's Mate. I don't know exactly how this book came to be but it did. I loved demons so I put them in here. I wanted a book that stood out amongst the clique werewolf books. Yes my book has mates but with a twist to them. The hunters here aren't ruthless beings but do inspire fear to keep the supernatural in place. Derik still has amnesia to get that clear. But I put over a year of my life into this. Well I've been writing this for over a year. I know I may not be the author but I try my best. I update more than some authors do. It took an author a year to update a book. Some months to weeks. I try to update a couple times a week or at least once a week. I love my fans they are very patient and loving. I lost people but I kept the important ones. There are people that have been here since book 1. I named them throughout the books. ExcellaShadowburst that person is always reading. There are much more that I will list through out this book when I get votes. You vote and I'll give a shout out next chapter. I will. My fans know that well the hardcore ones! Tuesday was my birthday. Banner is a potential book. I wrote that on my board. Well if you read this you are cool. Comment marshmallows. Until next time cool marshmallows.

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