New route

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Chara knew it wasn't going to be easy turning Sans away from what is right. But that didn't stop them. They wanted a new partner; Frisk was gone and Chara can't get them back now. It's never fun on their own. When has doing something alone ever been for anybody?

Sans wasn't giving in, but there were a few things that Chara noticed, broke him a bit. Speaking of the resets, speaking of the erased memories, how he cared less and less of the world as the resets continued on. Chara just had to use the right words in the right places to make him snap.

They just had to keep going. Convince him, turn him.

B R E A K H I M.

They stayed determined. Ha! It wouldn't be long now, there will be results; there were many before, many where Sans hesitated to attack, or even show somewhat of an interest of what they were saying. At one reset, he even cried.

Chara loved seeing this pun-loving skeleton break under their words, it was fun to hurt him. Fun to see the abyss staring back at them through his empty eyes. There was a reason, of why; Chara wanted him out of everyone else in the underground to join them to erase it all.

Toriel? There was some fight in her, but one tiny weakness and she's down. Papyrus? HA! Don't make me laugh! Him? He's forgettable, pathetic, he thinks he's cool and awesome, but he is naïve, too innocent. He makes them sick. Undyne in all honesty is a very powerful monster; there is no doubting it. But it'll be the day Asgore stops being the coward and Alphys reveals those freak experiments will Undyne ever kill a monster.

And their dear 'brother,' the one who spoke the words of 'kill or be killed' to Frisk was predictable with this charade of chaos.

Sans however. Sans isn't the one to mess with. If you get him angry enough, he can be very merciless indeed. Wether human or monster, messing with him is a very big mistake. That became even worse after the resets kicked in. In the first genocide run Frisk and Chara made, they thought taking out Sans would be a joke. So easy. Just extra EXP. But the looks on their faces when he dodged, the anger on their faces. They thought it impossible for a monster to dodge, from all they experienced so far. They saw how he fought. His words, his so called 'mercy' before sending them to hell brought great surprise.

They saw something in his soul that interested them quite a lot. One actual monster that had at least a good wad of knowledge about resets. This made Sans a lot more fun. Jumping back a countless amount of resets previously of the present and add their boredom they sparked an idea. Instead of killing everyone alone, they wanted a new partner in their horrible slaying of this entire world. And to think they hated this comedian at the beginning.

Finally, finally, after 1,785 resets, Sans stopped attacking and froze. His eyes were dark pools of black. Chara stood there in front of the skeleton, smiling. He was shaking, as if a sudden chill had filled the warm room. Chara waited for one minute, two minutes, three.

"...I...don't understand...why...I feel..." Sans muttered.

"That what I say is right?" Chara finished.

"Face it, comedian. You know I'm right. Nobody will remember, so why care? The world always resets, so why not try something new? You can do whatever you want. Make a mistake? No harm done. It'll be like it never existed as soon as the world resets again.

"So why, why do you care about this world so much, Sans?"

"...Hahah...hahahaha..." Sans chucked, then he started crying again. "I don't know, why don't you tell me?
"Ya know, what you say is completely insane. Asking me to kill everyone with you. To go back on what I am and destroy everyone I love. Hahahaha..." Sans looked down at his feet, "But your words say the truth and some sense. Nothing will matter after you reset. No one will remember... will they—?"Chara shook their head. "—I thought as much. I already knew this question since the start. But I guess I just wonted some more solid proof."

Sans gave a dead smile at the human and held the human responded with holding out their hand. Sans held it and shook. Chara looked absolutely thrilled.

"No one will remember." Sans repeated and let go.

Chara clapped their hands together, unable to hold it their relief and excitement for something new.

"That's it, Sans! That's it! You got it, finally!" Chara said happily, and then hugged the skeleton tight. Sans didn't know what to do at that and stood there feeling uncomfortable. He wasn't really used to this murderous human freaking out like a kid at Christmas and hug him. When they came out of the hug, Chara has put the golden locket around Sans' neck. Sans looked at the locket, then back at the human, who seems to be painted in a much different light from before. Chara looked happier than they ever been.

"We can finally erase this world together!"

The world soon turned black, Chara was still smiling in the dark abyss, still holding onto Sans' hand. He didn't mind. Not at all.

Where were they? Where has Chara taken him? Somewhere new. Somewhere interesting. The two glowing buttons labelled 'Continue' and 'reset' glowed a bright against the darkness. The reset button was an artificial yellow.

Up above those two things was some kind of board. It had information. The name of the human 'Chara', how much LOVE they had, '19' and where they last were...

But this didn't matter. Chara moved his hand near the reset button, so both hands will press it.

Sans blinked at the human for a moment.

"Well, I ain't gonna leave you at 1HP when we attack the humans, now am I? Don't want my new partner dying on me before all the fun begins. Lets get you some LV first." They pointed out.

Sans thought this understandable. Then he smiled gratefully. "Whelp. Here we go."

Chara had just finished resetting the world again and had given themselves a small time to stretch and relax on the bed of golden flowers. The light of the Surface shone brightly through the hole that Frisk fell in all those resets ago. They finally got the comedian to come on their side. This will make things much more interesting.

The swelling excitement of successfully getting something new floating away and they soon got bored and stood up, brushing themselves down of flower petals, grass and pollen and strode out into the next room. To no surprise, there was Flowey, waiting...

"Determined aren't you, Chara? You really wanted that Smiley Trashbag as your partner. You really wanted to break his little mind. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What is to be gained by doing that?! You wanted something else to play with! Is that it? You want a new toy!" Flowey said.

"You know the rules, Asriel. You stay out of my way. Or do you want to be a mushy pulp in the ground, you pathetic whelp?" they hissed.

"I wasn't enough, was I, for you?" Flowey hissed, but there was a tremble in his voice. "Did I become boring to you? Your just a weak human, now Chara. Your not whatever beast you were in our little detour of our Old Home. You're nothing but a EXP-less soul-stealing creature! Like me!"

"Yeah, you became boring, brother," snapped Chara, "I need new friends. New partners. I already know how you play this game, Asriel. I want to see how Sans plays his cards. I've taken quite a liking to him. Oh. And a word of warning..."

They kneeled down and stared creepily at the soulless flower. "Do not you strut around like you're stronger than me. Like you're smarter than me, don't treat me like an idiot when you are the one who will not understand. Remember, you're the one without a soul here. So stay out of my way."

Flowey looked at Chara angrily, "You can't be serious! You!"

Flowey summoned a whole army of bullets to surround Chara.

"You are an idiot! What are you to achieve?! Why do you want this! It won't be a proper genocide if you choose this path! What will you do! You hate the neutral runs! THERE IS NOTHING FOR YOU WITH THAT DUMMY BY YOUR SIDE! SEE SENSE, YOU IDIOT! YOU'RE AN IDIOT! THIS IS NOT—"

There was a blast of white, familiar fire and Flowey went to dodge, hiding in the dirt ground below.

Toriel looked at where the would-been attacker of the defenceless human before them and sighed.

"What a horrible creature, harming such a poor, innocent youth..."

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