Howdy there, Flowey!

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It wasn't surprising for Sans to find himself outside his and Papyrus' house, about to walk down to Grillby's. He had been in the exact position many times whenever the kid had reset. But everything was different now. He wondered vaguely if he actually...


He stepped through the snow, footprints imprinting in the ground. Once he reached the lights of Grillby's he pretended to open the door, then, predictably, Papyrus appeared.


Sans turned around, and sighed and put on a fake smile, "Sup, bro. How's it hanging?"

The taller skeleton stood over him, "What's hanging is that you're late! Your sentry had been unguarded for 2 minutes now! And the puzzles haven't been recalibrated yet!"

"It's no problem, Paps. I think they're fine just the way they are," Sans hand put his hands in his pockets.

"No they're not! I need you at your post! There is not time for lazing around! Undyne... Sans? Brother, are you alright?"

He snapped his head up, "What?"

"Are you ok Sans? You look a bit unwell," Papyrus said in concern. Sans blinked. He rubbed his arm and chuckled.

"Nah, Paps, I'm just still ... bone-tired heheheh..." Sans laughed at his pathetic attempt to lighten the mood.

"By God, Sans-"

"Heheheh, guess you're still icy about my jokes. Hahaha!"

"SANS!" Papyrus said in irritation.

Sans put up his hands passively, "Ok, ok Papyrus, I'll stop. I'll meet you up ahead, 'K?" Sans then started to walk the other way and Papyrus gave a sigh.

"Time and space shenanigans... Sans will be at the post before I get to mine..." Papyrus looked down to the ground. Sans really did not look good, even if was just a moment. Sans is a person who would hide it behind laughs and jokes.

He really did worry about his brother. But he re-assured himself by telling himself that Sans had a great brother to take care of him and give him all the love and brotherly care Sans wants and needs. After all, he was the Great Papyrus! Who wouldn't want him as a brother?

Feeling a bit better, he strode proudly to beyond Snowdin and through the mass amount of snow and trees.



Chara breezed through the Ruins, not a monster or ghost was safe from them. It was still exhilarating to see their faces before they crumbled to dust before them. It never got boring. How funny life is, to be like that. How funny death is, to be what it is.

What they didn't expect was a few differences popping up further and further they went. They called up Toriel, just for fun, and they heard things that was unusual. Chara listen carefully to the words, cocking their head, listening to Toriel's worries, and unnerved feelings.

She mentions the white puppy, saying that it was hiding in a closet, whimpering. Another, which she did not make clear of was her worries of something terrible will happen very soon and to stay in the room she left them in. The last thing they said was to call if anything was to happen to them.

Chara hanged up. They flipped the hidden switches and smiled. They passed a trembling frog that watched them pick up a toy knife from the ground. It summoned wobbly white flies in pathetic attempt to protect itself, but Chara just slashed the knife and the flies disappeared and the frog fell to the floor, bursting into dust.

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