The lack of Confessions will haunt you later

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Chara's confrontation of Papyrus went quite nicely, and after telling him they were human and a huge burst of excitement from the skeleton, he announced that if they dared to venture forward, they shall meet traps and be sent to the Captain of the Royal Guard, Undyne. As they went on, it was obvious Papyrus was steaming that Sans had taken one of his breaks just when a human came along. Chara played along with the puzzles and continued their murderous rampage, screeching frustratingly when Jerry somehow keeps coming back. So the child ditched him.

Papyrus stood at the end of Invisible-Electric-Maze, explaining how it will electrocute them if they treaded of the invisible path. Chara knew the puzzle so well; they went through without one error or unintentional footpath from the tall skeleton.

"You solved it! You slippery snail! You did it so easily! ... Too easily... But worry not, human! For my brother, Sans, whom you haven't met yet, has conducted a puzzle that will be sure to stun and baffle you! Nyeheheheh!" He ran off.

Chara followed.


Somewhere in the edges of Hotland stood a huge lab, in which a yellow dinosaur-like monster eating crisps and a pot of noodles steaming from the boiling water within was sitting patiently on the table, waiting to be eaten. The lizard, adjusted her glasses looking at the strange readings on the computer. There on the screen was red and blue line. The red line, strangely, was at random intervals shot up and down back into the line. The blue line, at a higher unit than the red, extremely similar to the red line, broke from the straightness of the line and shot down, then zipped up to the line again.

Alphys frowned at these readings. Her eyes were off the huge screen that displayed various places in Snowdin forest. She didn't notice Sans, she didn't notice him meeting the human, she didn't notice the dust covering the human's clothing.

"S-Strange... these readings... they never popped up like this quite before... how did I not notice this?" Alphys typed a few letters and numbers and symbols and another reading popped up. She read through this, chewing a large amount of the crisps in her mouth and choked on them as she saw something wrong on the report. After recovering she trembled in fear.

O-oh no, this is not good! I need to call Undyne! Alphys muttered silently in her mind, she scrambled to find the print button for the two reports and pressed it. She whisked off and went for the phone, which she left near the monitor and she rang Undyne. While she waited for her to pick up, she flipped through the cameras until she found the human, who was currently figuring out the ice puzzles, muttering curses. She watched the human pass and flipped to another camera.

The phone went to voicemail (which consisted of lots of screaming and things blowing up). Undyne will answer in a minute or two.

The human appeared again on the screen, followed by a monster, one that was strewn with Christmas decorations and clearly in a bad mood tried to attack the human. But the child dodged and slashed it vertically down its neck and jumped on the weakened monster and raised the knife. It pleaded for mercy, despite it's slashed throat, but the human payed no heed and the knife found its home in the four-legged monster's chest. Alphys squeaked and covered her eyes, but she already saw. All that was left of the poor monster was ash and half-buried ornaments.

The phone rang.

"Hey, Alph, howzit?"

Alphys mustered all her bravery and strength to say something (This was an emergency after all!) and screamed, "UNDYNE! UNDYNE! THERES... THERES A—"

"Woah, Alphys? Are you ok? What's going on? Are you safe?" Undyne interrupted, sounding professional, but her voice full of alarm.

Alphys shuddered and tried to calm down a bit, "Undyne... please... there's... there's a human, in Snowdin Forest..."

"A human? An actual human? In the Underground? How did they get here? Alphys, how do you know this? Did you see them?"

"I saw them through the cameras, they came through the door to the Ruins..."

"What? But that door had been locked for ages!"

"It's only on the outside, but this doesn't matter! The human—"

"Your right! The human is what matters! Do you know what this means? If I can get the human to the King, that'll mean we'll finally have enough human souls to break the barrier! I will fight them and bring them to the—"

"Undyne, please! The human is killing monsters! If they kill enough monsters, they're going to kill you too if you get in their way, Undyne! Please don't fight them. Just ev-evacuate the Snowdin residents. Get them to safety. Make sure the human c-can't get to them... Please Undyne...

"Don't fight them..."

Silence... "Alphys..."

The lizard monster whimpered.

"Alphys, if this human is doing what you're saying they're doing, this is just more of a reason to fight them. It is more of a reason to strike them down. This human your speaking of cannot continue. We must find this human and kill them before they can kill more innocent citizens."

"Look, Alph, I have a meeting with the guards, but I'll tell them the subject of that meeting is thrown out the window. I'll get RG-01 to evacuate Snowdin and RG-02 to do Waterfall. I'll send them to Hotlands. I'll handle the human. Ok?"

"Undyne, please..."

"Sorry, Alph. But don't worry! I'll be fine! I'll be able to get them to their weakest point and bring them to justice!!! I can feel it in my soul!"

"Ok...Undyne..." Alphys closed her eyes. There was no changing her mind once she's set onto something. Alphys drew out a shaky breath.

Say it. It may be your last chance.

"Um, Undyne?"


"I— uh..." She fumbled with her words, "I'm so glad to have you as a friend, Undyne, please be careful..."

"...Yeah, I'm glad you're my friend too, Alph. I'll see you soon."

"See you..."


You coward.

Alphys held her knees, tail wrapping around her, she looked back at the screen and continued to watch the human and the trail of sin and dust following them. The pot of noodles had gone cold.

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