Undying on Monster Dust and Guilt

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He and Chara stood there for a very long time, Sans still crying over what he had done to Papyrus. Chara patted the skeleton soothingly, trying to calm him down. They had to take this one slowly, if they forced him to get up or yell at him to stop crying, he may just blast them into the next re-load out of rage or worse. Change his mind about the whole thing . Then all that hard work would have been for nothing.

After composing himself, he shakily stood up with Chara help; feeling emotionally drained leaving himself empty inside. This wasn't a new concept to Sans the skeleton, but it wasn't the normal kind of hollowness he experiences since the resets first started. It was different. Papyrus dying at his hands was obviously too much for his mind and soul to handle all at once. And that kind of damage on his being can never be healed.

Chara gave their smile to the dust-coated monster in front of them, "You feeling a bit better, Sans?"

"... Yeah, " Sans looked at nothing while he said this.

"Come on, then, Sans, let's go, we have a long while to the end! We have monsters to dust, EXP to gain and...um... so, whenever you're ready." Chara added lightly as soon as they picked up on their impatience in their tone.

Sans took a moment of silence, then, his white pupils coming back into existence, hand gripping his shirt and ribcage tightly as his soul violently rammed in his chest, screaming silently in anguish. But, slowly like it was running out of steam, it pacified; though it still hummed and twitched slightly, restless.

He laughed, looked at the human and gave them a huge smile and said, "Well, let's go then," he patted Chara's shoulder and pushed it, making Chara to move forwards with him, "I can finally tell you some of my hilarious jokes!"

Chara grumbled irritably at this, the comedian's jokes were almost always horrible or tasteless, but at least he was in a better mood. They walked towards the entrance to Waterfall.

"Now, why didn't the skeleton go to the party...?"


"The Waterfall residents have been evacuated and RG-01 had vacated Snowdin residents, Captain," reported one of the Royal Guards, a hyena like monster with flecked amber eyes.

"Good to hear." Undyne nodded and then turned to everyone else, "Remember to be on patrol and look out for the human. I just got word that the human will be entering Waterfall grounds any minute now. We need to find it and kill it as soon as possible!" Undyne barked the order to the all the other guards.

"Yes, Captain Undyne!" chorused the Guards.

"Now let's move out!"

The Guards strode off to their respective positions, filled with determination and purpose. Undyne watched them go and her only good eye narrowed as she noticed a certain skeleton wasn't in the dispersing crowd. Undyne frowned at this oddity and stopped a soldier, the same one who gave her the report a moment ago.

"Soldier, it's Amourus right? You remember Papyrus, don't you? Have you seen him?"

"Yeah." Amourus nods, "He ran off, heading for Snowdin. He said he was looking for his brother. Said he needed to find him before the human does."

"And..." Undyne felt something in her go cold, "how long ago was this?"

"Around half an hour ago, Captain. I haven't seen him... since," his one and a half ears flicked down as he realised what he had said.

"O-oh shit." He muttered.

Undyne stood there shocked, then looked distraught, "I told him not to... he went against my orders. Dammit!"

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