Crystal Stars And Mostly Silent Flowers

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The first thing that hit the two was the smell. The ashy odour in the air almost overwhelmed their senses. Undyne looked around the area and saw piles of grey strewn across the cavern and heard nothing but silence from the Echo Flowers.

The guard beside her whined softly at the sight, ears flattened down.

"The human... it was here." Amourus mumbled, "Where is it? I can't..."

Undyne didn't respond and stepped irregularly to avoid the dust piles and Amourus followed, wide-eyed, "Do you think it's in here somewhere? Did we go past it without knowing?"

His Captain had seemed to have lost the ability to speak, so he too kept his mouth shut. The eerie silence was suffocating.

If counted, there were five piles of former monsters in this particular cavern, some of them had items left behind in the mortal world by their dead owners. Amourus tried to avoid looking at them too long as he could feel a slow, crawling sensation on his neck every time he failed to resist the awful sight.

He tried to keep his mind of the fallen monsters, using another one of his senses to keep him distracted. He closed his eyes for a moment, head dipped down, praying for something distracting to keep his mind from the horrific carnage. Then... he heard, ever so faint, the sound of crying. His head snapped up.

"Captain?" said Amourus, "I think I hear someone, from over there!"

"What? From where?" Undyne inquired, but before she got her answer, Amourus bolts out of the Wishing Room and out of sight, "Hey, wait!"

Undyne quickly caught up to Amourus, who was standing at the edge of the waterfall that holds the endless rain of stones and boulders. Undyne herself had thrown on countless rocks and boulders at the top of the waterfall.

Though she was supposed to devise a puzzle in the room, she hated puzzles as she does making them. Unlike Papyrus. So instead of crazy puzzles like the ones that littered the Underground, she delved deep into her creative, unique, Undyne-like imagination and created something that'll end up making passersby have to constantly avoid the falling rocks from above.

Amourus, avoiding the brook, looked at his captain and poked his nose towards the three-split waterfall, specifically at the middle, that holds a secret room behind the wall of water.

"I think it's behind there," said Amourus.

Undyne quickly made her way to the waterfall (Amourus still staying on dry-land) and passed through the water-wall and looked around until she spotted a young monster curled up in a corner.

The monster noticed her immediately and he gasped, "Undyne!" mewled the monster and almost slammed into the Fish Warrior, sobbing and recklessly sucking in breaths with no air.

"Undyne! Undyne! Undyne, Undyne, Undyne I, I, I, I'm sc-scared, he, I, it—" he blubbered, "... nearly...g-got me...nearly found m-me..."

Shaking, Monster Kid could say no more, only holler out, expressing fear in sobs and desperate breaths, unable to return to the painless and even breathing that didn't bring stitches to his sides or threatens to clog his brain towards unconsciousness.

Undyne went on one knee and tried to soothe the tear and snot filled child, "I'm here. You're safe, ok? Were gonna keep you safe, and away from the human. I'm not going to let it get near you, or anyone. It won't harm anyone else, I promise you."

Monster Kid stared at her, wide-eyed, in complete horror, as if he knew something she didn't, "B-but, there was... there was... he... he was here... helping..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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