No More (Jumin Han x F!Dead!Reader)

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Requested by: hatssendayo and undyne0722

Part 2 anyone????


(y/n) died on the day of birthing her child. Jumin never wanted this, no one wanted this. Having a child is a joy. But losing someone on the same day is god awful. Life like this, he doesn't want. He couldn't look at his child. She looked exactly like... her. Jumin's face was painted with tears, sorrow filled the room. He didn't want this child. Jumin knew his wife would be upset with this, but he didn't care. He was broken.

Jumin didn't even want to name her, Seven got to name her. Upon (y/n)'s account he named her something memorable. Nari is her name, after a flower that (y/n) grows. Jumin pushed everyone away for years and years. During this time, he just focused on his work. Jaehee was the only one who really saw him. Jaehee became more and more quiet over the years. Most of it was just fear. Fearing her own boss.

Seven over the years was pretty happy. It seemed his depression has walked away more. With this child, he felt more happier. It was like (y/n) was there with him. Nari was such a sweet girl. She had Jumin's eyes and (y/n)'s hair. She was gentle like her, but bossy like Jumin. She always knew Jumin was her biological father instead of Seven. Nari also knew that (y/n) was her mother. Seven would tell all kinds of stories, how (y/n) was always so kind. Even when her temper showed, she tried her best not to hurt everyone.

Saeran got along with the child very well, Nari even enjoyed his company. Saeran only acted silly around this little girl. He felt a strong connection with her. As she turned six, Jumin was invited to her birthday party. He ignored the message and continued to work. Seven was gulf with anger, Jumin is being a terrible father. Maybe Jumin just felt pressure, taking care of a child with no help. How would he deal with this?

She's sixteen now, Nari is older now. She deserves to see him. Nari ran off from her home, Seven was sleeping. She took a taxi to Jumin's house. She walked up front and center at his door and knocked loudly. A maid answered the door, after convincing she let Nari in. Jumin should meet his one and only daughter. However Jumin currently was enjoying a glass of wine. He never was too keen on wine, though he became addicted.

"Dad, it's me... Nari." She spoke as she entered into his office.

Jumin blinked, he thought Nari was (y/n). Though it soon faded as he blinked once more. He sighed and ran fingers through his hair. He continued to type on his laptop. Work is the only thing that could clean his mind. Alcohol makes him ache, work makes him busy.

Nari shut the laptop, "It's been 16 years, quit ignoring me. I'm almost an adult, please I want to know the real you. Stop locking yourself away, you claim to be a responsible man. Though all I see is a fucking coward hiding away from his past. Do you think Mom would of wanted this? Quit your bullshit and get on with your life."

Her words were like Saeran and Seven's. She was strong willed and Nari stood tall. Jumin raised his eyebrow. He chuckled lightly and open his laptop back up. Though he began to cry.

Mystic Messenger x Reader (BOOK 3) (ENDED)Where stories live. Discover now