Chapter 4: Opportunity

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   He ran into me really hard. As I fell back, my head slammed into a nearby railing on a café, I presumed. Lying on the ground, the pain in my head was intolerable. I clutched my head in my hands, now feeling quite dizzy.

   "Oh my god! I am so sorry! Quick, someone call an ambulance!" Liam shouted kneeling beside me. A  crowd of fans now were now completely surrounding me. Some had their phones out and, from what I could tell, were filming me. "Give her some room! Back up!"

   Nausea washed over me as the pain intensified. My hands were somewhat wet, but I couldn't figure out why. Shortly after, I passed out.

                            *                                               *                                               *

   Slowly, I woke up. The walls of the room were white and white linens covered me. Looking down at my arm, I briefly panicked seeing an IV stuck in it. My vision was blurry since my glasses had been taken off. I found them on the bedside table and put them on.

   I soon noticed a dull headache and, reaching up to my head, I felt a bandage wrapped tightly around the top. This was all really strange. I'd never been a patient in a hospital before.

   Soon a male doctor walked through the door, "Hello. Are you Chasteny?" he asked.

   I carefully nodded my head.

   "How are you feeling?" He proceeded while checking my vitals and heart rate on the nearby monitor.

   I cleared my throat, "Alright. My head hurts a little and I'm really tired."

   "That's perfectly normal. When you fell you got a small gash on the back of your head and received a mild concussion. We put in three stitches to close up the gash, and they can be out in at least a week. We're going to keep you here overnight just to make sure you remain in stable condition."

   "Does that mean I can get out tomorrow?"

    "You can, but I suggest staying home and taking it easy. Your headaches may linger for a few days."

   "Thank you." I responded.

   "Also, there are two people waiting to see you. May I let them in?'

   "Yes, of course! That's fine."

   As the doctor walked out, in came Lottie followed by Liam. They both looked insanely worried. Lottie rushed over to my bedside and I watched as her eyes examined my head.

   "I can't believe that I left you alone for ten minutes and come back to you lying unconscious on the ground! With Liam Payne!" She added as quietly as possible so he couldn't hear. "Are you alright?"

   "I'm fine." I answered giving her a reassuring smile.

   "I am so sorry! I really should have looked where I was running." Liam cut in, his voice sympathetic. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

   "Oh, no! You don't have to do anything for me. Just being able to meet you has been absolutely amazing! Though, I suppose we haven't really met. I'm Chasteny. But you really haven't done any harm, or much I guess. The only thing is that the medical bills might be a little scary." I rambled.

   "I'll pay them for you!"

   "No, you don't need to do that!"

   "It's the least I can do." He insisted before rushing off to the front desk to pay for my medical bills.

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